Conversation of Cards

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The two of them had ended up playing a game of "Kings in the Corner" on her bed. Drem had managed to find a deck of cards and suggested that the two of them play, while they discussed various simple things about themselves, like favorite colors, shows, movies, etc. Plus, it gave her time to think on his request.

She watched him play his next move, as the monkey lay motionless nearby. The constant cold caused her to pull out a purple jacket of hers, and it helped her concentrate more on the game rather than the cold. It's not like they placed bets on who won, but she would like to win against him, since it would be nice to know that she could beat him at something.

So, tell me what made you interested in art.

Placing some of her cards down and ending her turn, she answered, "When I was five, I had gone to an amusement park with my parents. We were about to go on the merry-go-round, but something had caught my eyes. I had tugged on both of my parents' hands and had let go. I had pointed to an artist that was painting part of the landscape of the park, and I had asked if we could go see.

"At the time I had found it so peculiar that someone was painting when they could be riding the rides. So, I had to go find out their reasoning for their action. My parents had guided me over before I had let go of their hands again and had approached the male.

"He hadn't notice me at first, so I had looked over his work quietly. I had become confused by what I saw. In the painting were small faeries in place of some of the flowers. Animals, walking on two-feet, replaced some of the people, and a larger faerie was sitting atop a lamppost and was playing the flute. There were still more interesting replacements and additions in the painting. It was like seeing the amusement park from a whole new perspective.

"My wonderment with the picture had caused me to not realize that I was now standing so close to the painting that I was in front of the painter. I had heard a chuckle above me, which had broke me out of my trance-like state. Looking upwards, a soft smile had met my eyes. 'Do you like it?' the man had asked. I had glanced back to the picture before I had looked back to him and had nodded.

"His emerald green eyes had filled with happiness, as his smile had grown some. 'I'm glad, then. It's for my little girl's room. She's about to be born soon, and a child's positive opinion on the piece is reassuring.' Hearing this, I had wondered if I could create something as beautiful for someone that I cared about. I had told him that his daughter would love it before I had run back to my parents.

"From that point on, I experimented with painting and drawing. I would add things to the scenery before my eyes, like I had recalled from that day in the amusement park. Trees, lifeless with fruit, would suddenly blossom, and barren streams would fill with crystalline waters.

"Art draws me in because it gives me access to a world that isn't seen by everyone. I want to captivate people and show them what I see. That there's more to this world than what the naked eye sees. Maybe, it's childish, but that's my reason."

During her explanation, he had watched and had found himself captivated. It was the first time that he had seen her (e/c) eyes sparkle with delight, while her gaze was on him. She had moved her hands and arms in gestures to emphasize points of her story, as if she was painting the memory before the both of them. The game before him became null, while only her story mattered.

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