Picture of Fortune

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

It was easy to tell which of the two Nathan was. He was wearing almost all khaki, as his explorer's hat rested on his black locks. His brown eyes expressed clear joy, as his lips were upturned into a wide grin. In the picture he was just about to bite into the food item. On the table next to him was a rolled up map and a compass.

Next to him was Drem in the fortune teller's outfit. Or at least she presumed it to be him, but his characteristics were hidden by his costume. Only his large smile could be seen, while the purple and teal cowl covered the rest of his face and hair. His purple and teal robes looked quite large on his smaller frame, making him look cute.

She visibly frowned at the thought, but in her defense he was just a child in this picture. He wasn't the sadistic jerk that she knew, or he could've been, but he just didn't display that side of him in the photograph. (F/n) glanced to the left-hand side of the photo and noticed the crystal ball near Drem.

Of course, she could be totally wrong in assuming that it was Drem in that costume. For all she knew, it could be another one of Nathan's childhood friends, but why would he have hid the picture, then? Did the antique collector have multiple people who he no longer wished to associate with?

"Drem, this is you, right?" she questioned, lowering the picture for him to see but keeping a firm grip on it. She didn't want him to snatch it and tear it up. It could be the only form of evidence that she might find in the house after all.

He came closer to her and examined the picture. Surprisingly, he actually answered her inquiry and nodded his head in response. She pulled the photograph back and looked it over again. If this was really him, then she had solid proof that he had been telling the truth about him being human originally. Still, she wished that she could reach into the photo and push the cowl back; she desired to see what he looked like before becoming his present state.

Personally, she wanted to put a face to the one who had been causing her job, which was supposed to be simple and easy, to be a literal nightmare at times. Right now, the only face she had of him was the monkey's or Otis's face. So, it would be better to learn what he had actually looked like or still looked like.

Keeping the photograph out, she put the false base and decoration back into the box. She closed it up and set it back on the shelf, while the picture remained in her hand. Before she moved onto the next box, she wondered where to put the picture. Placing it on the ground would work, but Drem could have easy access to it, then. Technically, he could probably take the picture from her at anytime if he desired to do so.

"Answer me truthfully, Drem. Will you ruin this if I set in on the floor?" she asked, peering down to him. He shook his head back and forth. Could she trust him? Then again, why would he want to rip up the photo? It wasn't like it gave any clues as to how the relationship between Nathan and him fell apart. If anything, it proved that the two of them used to be really close friends.

Deciding that she might as well trust him with this, she placed the picture on the ground and picked up the next box. Drem did go over to the photograph and pick it up in his plush hands, but he didn't ruin it. Instead, he just stared at it, like he was going down memory lane.

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