Even until Morning

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

She was only able to stutter since she wasn't expecting that sort of confession. Of course, she was aware of Drem's feelings. He made them quite clear on several accounts, but this was different. For once, she could see past his violent, obsessive personality. (F/n) could sense that he was desperate for her to stay with him. Even if she couldn't hear his voice, she could tell that he had put everything into that message.

Still, she couldn't form a sentence, let alone a word. She just stared down at her hands, which had now wrapped themselves around the plush monkey. His cold presence was still next to her, and she knew that he waiting for an answer. Perhaps, she couldn't utter a word because she already knew what her response was; she knew that she would crush his heart.

Staying in the house with him forever wasn't even possible. She would die eventually. Besides, she had her whole life ahead of her, and her dreams to fulfill. Yes, that was cruel to say to him since he was eternally stuck in this house, and he had been stripped of essentially everything. When it came down to it, though, she just couldn't stay with him.

Already, she had promised to visit him. If her art career took off, however, she would probably be unable to visit him often. She would be traveling and showcasing her art to others. There was also just the cold hard fact that she didn't return his feelings. They were on neutral ground, but they could probably become friends with time. Lovers, though, wasn't realistic.

It would be best if Drem could forget about her or at least understand that. After their time together, it seemed cruel to say such a thing, though. She didn't wish to tell him to forget about her.

Her hands squeezed the monkey some, and she actually felt something wet at the corners of her eyes. Maybe, she was near to tears because she understood that she was snuffing out his last link to the world beyond the house. She was killing his last chance at escaping a fate of indefinite loneliness. Again, she would visit, but those visits would diminish with time because of her career.

Nathan probably wouldn't let another person into house after what had occurred during her stay. So, she couldn't say that Drem might have the chance to meet someone else. She wouldn't dare ask him to try again with Nathan. The option before her was just the harsh truth. Drem needed to see past his wishes.

"I'm sorry, Drem. I can't; I just can't. I want to spread my art around the world and make people smile with it. Perhaps, I'm being selfish, but I desire to see my dreams come to fruition. Staying here with you won't allow that. I'll visit, but you need to understand that you're being unrealistic. Again, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to tell you a lie. You've been told enough lies for a lifetime, and you deserve to know the truth."

Was he really expecting her to say yes? Some part of him was, but the other part knew that she would deny him. He couldn't help but smile, though. Even though he had been rejected, he felt somewhat happy. She had given him the truth, and he could see the tears in her eyes.

His love had been trying to spare him the harsh reality of it. She had been considering his feelings; she had been scared to tell him because she had understood the severe roughness of her message. He couldn't help but smile, for she didn't lead him down the wrong road. Instead, she showed him the light, and how painful it can be at times.

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