A Name's Price

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"I haven't been kind to you?! Where do you fit into that equation? I'm not the one who has been tormenting the other here," (f/n) answered, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Tsk, tsk, not true, little doe," he responded, putting on Otis's working pants. "For the past four days, I wasn't able to have any physical contact with you. Do you know how much that caused me to suffer? I finally get enjoyable company only to have such an annoying restriction placed on me."

She just rolled her eyes and looked away from him for a moment. Arguing with him wouldn't probably serve her any benefit in the long run. Personally, she was surprised at the fact that she just continued to do so anyway. For once that eerie atmosphere was gone, and the being just seemed human, too human in fact. It was as if she was dealing with just a sadistic a**hole and not some supernatural being.

Her own comparison made her wonder if at some point this being was human. Additionally, the thing was in Nathan's home. Did Nathan have something to do with this being's creation? Is that why he failed to mention the huge risk involved in watching over his estate? Whatever the reason, her ultimate goal was still to get out of the house.

Peering back over to him, he was now buttoning up Otis's light blue shirt. "I think that your definition of suffering is different from mine," she muttered out, when she noticed that he was waiting for her reply to his previous statement.

"There are various forms of suffering, though, little doe. Besides, you've surely had the pleasure of enjoying someone else's company. Those looks of yours are hard not to notice."

"Save the compliments, creep. And for your information, I've only had two dates in my entire life. On both occasions the guys wanted something more than I was willing to give. In fact their annoying arrogant personalities remind me of you," she retorted, a scowl clearing painting her lips.

"Such harsh words for a little doe, though, it would seem that you keep encountering 'annoying arrogant personalities.' Perhaps, that's telling you something. Maybe, you're just in denial that you like such men," he countered, now finished with putting on Otis's mail uniform.

"You're wrong. I've come across many guys that don't possess such traits. For example Nathan is one of them," she argued, her body instinctively tensing up when he started to come over to her.

"Do you have any romantic feelings for Nathan? If so, I can understand that. He is quite the catch," he mentioned, as he stood in front of her and glanced down at her.

"No, I don't have feelings for him. I was just proving your point incorrect. What about you, were you his past boyfriend or something? There were some mixed emotions in your eyes when I mentioned his name: hate, irritancy, jealously, sadness. The list goes on."

Instead of receiving an answer, he just started to laugh, as he covered his face with his right hand. She didn't know that she said something funny. Frankly, she was beginning to get freaked out by his reaction. Worry and fright were starting to stir inside of her. (F/n) was tempted to dart for the room door and leave the laughing man to his own devices. When she saw him lower his hand and wear an insane smile on his lips, she scooted back on the bed to create some more distance between them.

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