Mastery of Vanishing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

His statement caused her to wonder what things would have been like had she met Drem before all of this. Would she have ever known his violent side and/or his obsessive one? She might have only known the side of him that wanted to take care of her. If had been the case, things would probably be different between them, but would she want to be close to someone and be ignorant of their darker nature?

Should she have learned about his flaws after learning about his pros, how would she have reacted? Would she have accepted or rejected them? It was hard to say, since her opinion on Drem was biased. Sure, she was on neutral ground with him now, but those negative traits of his personality were still known to her, and she had knowledge of them first.

"Look, Drem, you don't know how things would have turned out had you met me before that incident. Even if you were still alive, based off of what you told me, you wouldn't have been able to look into the past but only the future. Besides, you didn't give up your life for nothing. You thought that you were saving your friend from a terrible future.

"Granted, killing his girlfriend wasn't the best way to go about it, but he wasn't listening to you. He drove you to extreme measures, and you warned him beforehand as well that you were serious. He's at fault in that whole incident as well. He turned a blind eye to the truth that was before him."

What should I have done, then? I warned him about her so many times, and he merely thought that I was joking. Our 'friendship' was turning into less than dust; I was desperate. I wanted to save it; I desired a shot with him.

"You should have walked out on him. You two clearly didn't share the same standards for a friendship. It was a toxic relationship, and you were letting that poison get to you. I know that walking out on someone you care for is tough, but sometimes it's necessary to prevent something worse from happening."

And, what if you had to leave either or both of your parents behind? Would you do it? Or, would you stay and do whatever you could to help them? You mentioned that it was tough, but it's more than that. For me at that time, it would have been like slicing a piece of my heart off and watching it slowly rot.

She let out a sigh and knew that she wouldn't be able to abandon her parents no matter how terrible the situation was. (F/n) knew that they were caring and loving individuals, so she would try to help in whatever way she could to get them out of the quicksand. "No, I wouldn't be able to. Perhaps, my advice isn't that great after all."

That's not the case. It's just that neither you nor I are capable of following it, and that's not a bad thing. Looking back on it, you're most likely right that I could have found a different way to handle the situation, but I didn't. So, here we are. Do I regret my decision to kill her? No, I don't. I just regret taking someone's life for Nathan and in the process giving up mine for him.

"So, you would kill again, then?"

I would be lying if I said no. Judging by your expression, though, you clearly don't approve, but that's your opinion. I have mine, and it should have been obvious to you that we would never see eye to eye on certain issues.

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