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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The doe took the ring out of the box and examined it. She moved it around carefully and held it up to her eye level. His little doe tilted the ring slightly and squinted. Was there writing on the ring? Had Nathan inscribed some message to her on it? "So, her name was Evelyn?"

What's inscribed on the ring besides her name?

Her attention towards the paper and pen, as her eyes read the message. Raising her right eyebrow, she asked, "Wait, so you never knew about this ring, then? Or, did you just forget to read the message on it?"

I didn't know about it. Now, read the message to me before I force the ring out of your hands.

"Alright, alright," she muttered out, turning her attention back onto the ring. He waited for her to read the words out loud to him, as his patience thinned. "To my dearest friend and love, Evelyn."

After she finished reading the phrase, the words seemed to echo in his mind. Nathan, before the incident, considered her to be his dearest friend? Is that why he was never told about the ring? Had their friendship started to deteriorate before the incident? Did Nathan really find his warnings that harmful; did Nathan think his warnings to be just out of cruel jest?

He would always push the warnings aside, though. Nathan would always still talk to him on a regular basis, just not as much because of the distraction. Had their disagreements harbored hate in Nathan towards him before what had happened five years ago?

Is that why everything went so terribly wrong? Did it go awry because he had miscalculated his friendship with Nathan? Why had the distraction had such an effect on Nathan? Didn't their past years, before she came into the picture, mean anything to him? Or, had the distraction caused Nathan to secretly throw that all away?

His head was swimming with question after question, and he didn't even hear his little doe calling to him at first. Everything just seemed to stop, as he realized that Nathan and he might never have been friends once the distraction entered the antique collector's life or at least after the first warning. The friendship that he had with Nathan might have meant less to the antique collector than he thought. Where he thought it to be permanent, Nathan might have only seen it as temporal.

During this process, he continually told himself that the past didn't matter. He shouldn't dwell on it so much; he had his little doe now. Among this reassurance, however, he still couldn't push away the feeling of his mind breaking somewhat.

All along, he had been carrying memories that were tainted. Where Nathan had been smiling, he was probably actually glaring. The antique collector had most likely planned to officially terminate their friendship after he had proposed to the distraction. Maybe, he had been Nathan's dearest friend at some point, but after the distraction had come that apparently had changed.

"Drem, what's gotten into you? What are you doing?!" she yelled out, finally snapping him out of his thoughts.

Focusing on her, he wondered what she was referring to. His brown eyes looked around the area, and he noted that he had accidentally knocked all of the boxes off of the shelves. The objects inside were scattered about and some broken. In plain sight was the picture of Nathan and him when they were younger. His fists clenched a bit, but he didn't have it in him to tear it up.

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