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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The key turned in the lock, and the front door opened. Nathan walked into his home, and, at first, noticed (f/n)'s things laying there as well as his dancing man statue missing. Wondering what had happened to it, he looked around to find her. This, of course, didn't take long since she was sitting upon one of the kitchen stools. After he had set down his keys and had closed the front door, he sighed and greeted her as he took off his grey blazer. "Hopefully, you found your stay relaxing," he voiced simply while he took in his home once again.

"Well, it went better than I expected it to. I hope that you don't mind that I decided to have a strawberry soda before you came in. I just have trouble resisting the sweet taste."

"No, that's perfectly ..." Nathan paused as he noticed the clock missing. He took a step or two further into the living room and saw the shattered glass. His brown eyes widened while he processed what she had just said.

Looking back to her, he saw her chin resting on the palms of her hands. A wide smirk rested on her lips, and Nathan noticed that there was no cold atmosphere in the air. There would be if Drem was still loose in the house and not possessing something, but that smirk was far too familiar. Turning around to fully face him, he asked as calmly as he could, "What are you doing in her body, Drem?"

"Nice to see you too, Nathan. You're not even going to ask how I've been after these past five years of taking away my life, leaving me in isolation and ignoring me? How rude," he voiced, taking a sip of soda afterwards.

"Answer the question now, Drem! I don't have time for you and your sick games!"

"My sick games? That's funny. Last I recalled you're the one who thought that I was playing a game. I never once considered dealing with Evelyn as a game. I thought the matter quite serious, but you're the one who would laugh off my warnings. Still, you're right. Let's move past the past, and I'll tell you what I want. I only have so much time left after all, and you're in quite a predicament now, though; I'm sure that you already know that.

"You see when you first had (F/n) come by; my every intent was to play with her before killing her. Now, though, that's changed. Unlike you, Nathan, she accepted me for my violent and obsessive ways. She looked past all of the terrible things that I did to her and even agreed to visit me after she had left today. In other words, she gave me something that you thought you had snatched away from me. She gave me companionship and showed me that I have a second chance before me.

"So, here's what's going to happen. You're going to seal me to my old room but not alone. I'm sick of being ignored and left to watch the world go by without some proper company. You're going to seal my precious love with me. She promised to visit me, but visiting isn't enough. After all, she mentioned how over time they would dwindle and how she would die. I couldn't let that happen, now could I?"

"You're still as pathetic as ever Drem. Taking other peoples' lives to get what you want. Tch, you haven't learned your lesson. And, what? You now want me to help you after what you did to me? I could care less about your loneliness and wanting a companion. You made your choice when you decided to take Evelyn from me. You deserve everything that I've dealt you, and I'm not going to kill her for you."

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