Liar's Suffering

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

To Drem this position was most pleasing. His little doe would probably realize how he was holding her in just a moment or two. He wondered if her cheeks would heat and if embarrassment would enter her gorgeous (e/c) eyes. Bringing his right thumbnail to his lips, he chewed on it a bit, as a grin pulled at the edges of his mouth.

He could hear the slight chatter of her teeth, as he kept his touch on her, but he wouldn't let up just yet. No, not until she admitted to him that she was lying. His left hand slid down her chin steadily, as he went to drag his fingers delicately down her the right side of her jaw line and neck. If only he could feel the tantalizing softness of her skin.

Removing his thumbnail from his mouth, he hung his head closer to her face. He moved his legs, so as to be more comfortable on her lap, while he straddled her in the process. Personally, he would prefer to get her to admit that he was handsome rather than cute, but in his state he couldn't be too picky. So if he could get her to admit her true opinion about his monkey form, he would be satisfied for now.

Bringing his lips closer to hers, he breathed lightly over her seemingly supple skin and watched in delight as she tried to draw her face back. She had nowhere to go, since the washer was right behind her. "Such a pity for you, my little doe," he whispered out, while he ghosted his lips over hers.

When she turned her head to her right side, he chuckled somewhat before he pressed his left hand a bit harder on the right side of her neck. Instantly, she looked back to him, as she attempted to distance her neck from the coldness of his hand. "Drem just get off of me. You're not improving my opinion of you at all."

Another chuckle escaped his mouth, as he pulled his face away somewhat, but he continued to sit on her lap and straddle her. Peering over his right shoulder, he made the pen move across the page. Not until you admit that you find my monkey form cute. Otherwise, I'll continue my display of affection for you. Your pick, my little doe, though, I'm fine with either.

"I already told you that I don't find the monkey cute, and this is no showing of affection. It's f*cking uncomfortable, you sick b*stard. So, just get off of me, and we can go start reading another book."

It's not my fault that my touch has such an effect on you. Blame Nathan for making me this way. If I was in my original form, you would find this much more pleasurable. If I had my actual form back and didn't have to possess someone, you would probably find my appearance to be most attractive. And, my perfect lips on yours would make your knees give way.

"I highly doubt that, and who told you that I wanted to hear about your perverted fantasies? I would rather you keep those to yourself. Now for the third time, get off of me," she spoke, stressing the last part of her third statement.

You say that you doubt it, but you didn't say that it wasn't possible. Besides, how could you know? You've never seen my actual appearance or felt my original body's lips. Still, I want you to tell me the truth about your opinion of my monkey form. If you don't, I'll be kissing you in the next five seconds, and your time starts now.

This was preposterous. Why was he so keen on her admitting about the stuffed animal's cuteness? It was utterly frustrating. Now, he was going to kiss her if she didn't cooperate? She inwardly groaned at the predicament before her.

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