Strange Occurences

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A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop since it's short. 

  Should she walk over to it and pick it up? Part of her, no all of her, didn't want to take a step near the fallen pack. She couldn't just leave it there. Well, she could, at least until Nathan came back. Still, she would need to go into the kitchen, so letting it remain on the floor seemed somewhat ridiculous. Her main concern was what had caused it to fall.

None of the windows in the house were open, so there was no breeze. Even if there was, it would have to be strong to blow a heavy battery pack off the counter. There was a chill in the air, though, despite it being summer. Perhaps, that was due to the strange atmosphere filling the house. Regardless of the cause, she couldn't just remain on the couch and live in constant worry of what caused the item to fall.

So, she slowly made her way down from the couch. She would pick it up later. Right now, she would call one of her parents to come over and check the place out. It was better to be safe than sorry after all. With this in mind, she headed past the kitchen, rather quickly, and went into her room.

The moment he saw her walk away from the battery pack, he acted. He had an idea of what she would do next, and he needed to make sure that no other parties became involved. Those individuals would be able to feel his presence just as well as the doe. They might interfere with his fun; they might take her away.

It had been so long since he had such company as the doe, and he couldn't allow for there to be a chance for her to slip away. So, it would seem that he would have to speed up his plans for the day. Not that increasing his plans' pace would ruin much, since he had twelve days to mess with her after the current day.

A smirk tugged at his lips, as he followed her into her room. Her phone was on the nightstand on the right side of the bed, and he watched as she walked over to it. Granted, he wouldn't let her touch the device. Keeping that in mind, he focused on the red curtains in the room and made them sway back and forth a little.

His little doe paused and gazed over at the now moving curtains. He trained his eyes on her when she peered around the room. Fear was evidently developing in her wide (e/c) orbs. Her gaze, though, turned up towards the air vent in the room.

Smiling, he looked over at the controls for the air conditioning and turned the dial up. The sound of the ac coming on resonated throughout the house, and a relieved sigh escaped the little doe's mouth. Her eyes closed for a fraction of a second.

Utilizing that brief moment to his advantage, he pushed the phone off the nightstand and heard it hit the ground behind the piece of furniture. Almost immediately, the doe glanced over in that direction and froze. The fear was almost radiating off of her, as she advanced cautiously towards the nightstand.

When she reached the item of furniture and started to look behind it, he moved the phone speedily out to the right side. She hadn't caught sight of the phone's action. Or, at least he presumed that to be the case, since puzzlement etched itself onto her features. As she stepped away from the backside of the furniture and out to the front of it, he noticed her gaze latch itself onto the phone off to the side. Having expected this, he waited for her to come closer.

Grin widening, he waited a couple more seconds until he tripped her. She went seemingly flying into the nightstand and knocked it over. A loud crashing sound followed, as the nightstand tipped over onto the phone. The lamp slid off the particle board surface and impacted the floor; it broke upon contact. Underneath these objects, crunching was heard, as the phone broke into multiple pieces and became useless.

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