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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Much to her annoyance, she was proven wrong. Each of the paintings after the first turned out to be differently colored flower fields, in varying times of day. On those paintings, she had tried to create something other than a flower field, but Drem, apparently, had other plans. So, she now sat at the kitchen counter with a probably overly happy spirit.

To save her from his bragging, the doorbell rang. Before she could even react, the door opened, a package came in and the door closed again. Nathan was certainly going to get a bad reputation with any delivery service. Of course, she only found this amusing.

She watched the box be taken off to presumably her room and decided to get up to follow. (F/n) grabbed the notepad and pen on the way as well as her smaller paintbrush. Reaching the room, she entered and found the paint already being pulled out of the massive box, not to mention some of the paint rollers, paint roller trays, painting tape and larger paintbrushes that she had ordered. "Well, what do you think of the colors?"

The notepad and pen hovered out of her hands before the pen started to write. There's no red amongst them.

"You did state that you felt that the room needed some change. Why, do you still want the walls to have some red on them?"

No, these colors will do. Let's get to work.

Over the next few hours, they placed the painting tape around the necessary areas and poured some of the paint into the trays before they began their painting expedition. By the time that they finished the four walls, the first wall which they had painted was dry. (F/n) started to open some of the paint cans with color in them. "Drem, are you going to be okay with just sitting back and watching now?"

I'll try. I know that you have a wonderful idea in mind.

"Thank you, but you haven't even seen it yet."

I just know that it will be amazing. All of your other artwork points to it being so.

A small smile touched her lips as she turned to face the wall. She made sure, though, that the smile was tiny enough that he wouldn't be able to catch sight of it. Dipping the paintbrush in the crystalline blue paint, she started on the glimmering sea in the background.

As she progressed with the painting, the late afternoon hours rolled into evening. Drem had turned on the lights in the room for her to see better, and she had thanked him for it. She was just moving on from the ocean to the beginning of the forest when a plate of food was set near her feet.

Personally, she was surprised to find homemade pizza bagels at her feet. She hadn't even noticed that Drem had left the room since she was so focused on the wall mural. Figuring that she should take a small break to eat, she put her paintbrush down and took a seat on the carpet. (F/n) thanked him and proceeded to eat her meal.

When she had finished, she returned to working on the mural. Drem watched her work from the foot of the bed. His chin rested in the palms of his hands as his brown eyes went over every detail. She really was making a masterpiece for him, and he could just imagine the two of them running along the edges of the forest before jumping into the clear blue waters.

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