A Required Rest

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

For once Drem had been the one to jump. The sound of something crashing against a wall in the living room caught his attention instantly. His mind first thought that his little doe had injured herself somehow, and he reconsidered his action of showing her the clock. It was too late to change it, but he hadn't expected her to have a violent reaction.

Turning around quickly, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her physically fine. Well, minus the marks that he had left on her. As for her mental and emotional states, he presumed that it was quite a different story, especially given the scream that she had released just moments ago. Hopefully, none of the neighbors had heard.

Having just finished with her dinner, he set it aside for the moment and went over to her. His eyes glanced to the antique clock, and a small smile etched itself on his lips. He was concerned for her, but he couldn't help the grin. She had just broken his primary barrier. When Nathan returned, the antique collector wouldn't be able to seal him back in that blasted thing.

Looking out the windows, he saw no activity outside and let out another sigh. His attention went back to his little doe, whom now had her hands covering her face. Steadily, he rested his hands on her wrists, but she proceeded to swat at the air, which amounted to her cursing loudly. After all, it wasn't a wise decision to swipe her hands through his. Her hands probably felt like they were freezing at the moment.

"Leave me alone, Drem," she voiced, turning her back to him and curling up on the couch.

Frowning a little bit at this, he grabbed another piece of paper and the pen from before. He didn't want to have her moping for the rest of the evening, especially when he made her a really nice dinner. The male had some idea of what was going through her head at the moment, so he wrote down a question for her and dropped the paper in front of her face.

"I'm not blaming myself, Drem. Or, I'm not trying to anyway. I don't know who to blame in this situation. Maybe, the fault falls on everyone," she mumbled out, curling up more. "Just leave me alone. I'm tired of dealing with all this right now." Taking the paper back, he wrote some more lines down and placed it in front of her again.

Watching the paper return to in front of her eyes, she was tempted to crumble it up and toss it back at him. Honestly, she wanted to cry but not with him right there, and she doubted that he would go away until she read whatever message was on the paper. So, she looked over it frustratingly. I'm not leaving you alone. You didn't leave me be when I was enraged by an upsetting discovery. You comforted me, so let me return the favor.

"Truth be told, you're not exactly the first person that I would look to for consolation," she responded, rolling her (e/c) eyes a bit. The paper left her view again. It soon returned.

Then at least eat your dinner and get some rest. If you want to cool your head, rest usually is the best option. Unlike you, I don't have that luxury, yet I feel exhausted.

"Somehow, I doubt that. Stop trying to earn my sympathy," she murmured, now crunching up the paper and throwing it back at him. She rolled over and hopped off of the couch. Her eyes directed themselves to plate of dinner on the kitchen counter. She grabbed the pasta, along with a fork, and marched off to her room. The door slammed shut behind her.

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