Maybe, Tolerable

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Never had she thought that she would be in this situation. Currently, she was putting the boxes back. Granted, she had checked the last box, but it only contained dishware. So, she was done with her search in the garage. Still, having monkey arms wrapped around her neck, as Drem clung to her was irritating. At least she wasn't freezing anymore.

If anything, she needed to remind him to let up on his grip some. She didn't wish to be choked to death. So, as she placed the next box on one of the shelves, she nudged his right arm with the right side of her face. He understood the message and loosened his hold.

When she finished with putting the boxes back, she turned off the garage light and headed out of the area. She closed the door behind her and locked it. There was still the kitchen and living room to search, but she felt somewhat drained after inspecting the boxes. Maybe, it was just the fact that she had possibly given up her last opportunity of early escape or escape entirely.

The decision to calm Drem down may have cost her everything. Still, it was hard to see him like that. Picturing him bringing the hammer down on the ring over and over again was difficult to remove from her mind. Would she have lost it if she was in his shoes? She didn't know because she had never experienced such a seemingly crushing slap to the face.

Sympathizing with him was bizarre to her, though. It wasn't like she could just remove the memories of what had occurred last week from her mind. When it came down to the facts, Drem was a violent obsessive individual if he didn't get his ways. Then again, her own advice to Drem was popping back up in her head. It happened in the past, and you need to learn to accept that. Whatever occurred back then is over. Those words wouldn't stop pestering her.

They could be applied to her situation so easily, and it was infuriating. Those words were essentially screaming at her to forgive him, but the marks on her body told her otherwise. Not to mention that every time she looked in a mirror, she would see his name written under her left eye.

Inwardly groaning at her contrasting thoughts, she found herself already in the living room when she broke out of them. While she had been thinking, she had been investigating the room for any evidence. She blinked a few times; slightly taken aback that she hadn't noticed her actions.

Scanning over her work, she saw nothing of interest to her quest for answers. She continued to move things around and look for anything of use to her mission. During this time, Drem was still clinging onto her. He had been silent the entire time, but he could very well be recovering from his mental meltdown. The benefit of this present state of his was that he wasn't causing her any trouble, with the exception of him occasionally choking her on, hopefully, accident.

Turning up empty handed, she rearranged everything back to how it was before. She moved onto the kitchen, and once again she didn't discover any new information. There was the backyard to check, but it was getting late. It was already eight in the evening after all, and she was tired from moving things around all day.

Maybe, she would just check the backyard for a few minutes. She had no intention of digging, though. Already, she had some decent information, and she could form various theories in her head from that. They might not be a hundred percent accurate until Drem was willing to confirm one, but they would be better than any assumption she would form without the new knowledge.

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