A Read for Thought

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Her empty plate, where her brunch had rested previously, now sat on the coffee table in the living room. The meal had consisted of a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with some avocado slices on it. Slices of Anna apples from outside had accompanied the sandwich on the glass plate. It was a delicious meal, but she hadn't told Drem the compliment. Rather, she had just given him a simple thank you.

Presently, she was reading her mystery book and was hoping that she would finish it soon, so that she could start the next one. Irritatingly, Drem had decided to join her for the read. The cold atmosphere was absent, while the monkey sat on her lap and read the words on the pages with her. It was annoying because his monkey form made him look cute, yet she knew that his form could become instantly terrifying if he wished it to do so.

She hoped that he would get off of her lap, so that she could focus more on her book and not have him in her line of sight. Still, he was being quite calm and wasn't showing any signs of throwing a knife at her. So, it would probably be best not to move him.

As she read on, her mind occasionally drifted back to the goal of figuring out what had happened to the friendship between Drem and Nathan. Drem had mentioned giving a present to Nathan that the antique collector didn't like. What could someone give another individual that it would lead to such a tear in a relationship? Well, there were several things, and it would depend on the people involved.

There was also the fact that Drem had written that he had given Nathan hard evidence. Additionally, Nathan hadn't believed Drem to be telling the truth originally. So, what was this evidence that was also a gift? Just what had Drem shown Nathan?

What it came down to was her being able to search Nathan's room without Drem noticing. Such a task would be anything but easy, especially since Drem had stated that he would supervise her more often from now on. Even if he hadn't made that remark, she suspected that he would always keep a close eye on her anyway.

Besides, it wasn't like Drem would let her explore Nathan's room. Then again, what she might be looking for might not even be in the male's room. It could be hidden somewhere in the house. There was the option of the garage, but she didn't want to go in there unless it was a last resort. Granted, there was the option of asking Drem, but she already knew that an answer would come with that vague price of giving him a chance and letting him in.

With her being lost in thought, Drem didn't notice at first. That was until it took her an incredibly long time to turn the page. He hadn't read the book from the beginning, but it was reaching the grand finale. The mystery was just about to be solved, and he desired to know what happened next. So, it was vexing that his little doe wasn't moving onto the next page.

Glancing away from the book and up at her, he noted the far-off look in her (e/c) eyes. Something was on her mind, and he wondered what. He hoped that it was positive thoughts about him, but he doubted that. His little doe was still significantly closed up to him. There was a miniscule crack beginning to form in the wall that she had created, but he only had six days left after this one.

Moving a bit, he began to climb up her left arm until he was sitting on her left shoulder. She must have been in deep thought because she hadn't even glanced his way. Well, he would just end up surprising her then.

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