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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Somewhere along the way, Drem had managed to get her to read to him. She wasn't pleased by the idea, but it was better than getting chased with a knife. Still, he didn't seem like the type to go stargazing, let alone have someone read to him some of the mythologies behind some of the constellations.

Just earlier in the day, he had purposely let a knife cut her. Not to mention everything else that he had done to her earlier in the week. Did he think that looking at constellations would cause her to change her opinion of him? She wasn't that easily swayed, and she didn't think that she would ever come to have a favorable opinion of him. Sure, he had been potentially considerate on some accounts, but those miniscule moments of possible thoughtfulness were overshadowed by his acts of torment.

Regardless, after about a few hours of gazing up at stars, she closed the book and went to get up. Unfortunately for her, Drem tugged on her left pullover sleeve with his right hand. She could have easily thrown him aside, but she was close to the fountain. Frankly, she didn't know if she could ever look at fountains the same way again after that near drowning experience.

"I've been reading to you for a little over two hours. I'm done, and I'm hungry," she grumbled out, irritation quite clear in her voice and (e/c) gaze. "So, leave me alone. I want to eat some dinner."

He kept his hand on her sleeve and pointed, with his left hand, over to the apple trees. "I want to eat more than an apple, Drem. Honestly, I don't even know why you had me read to you. You could have looked at the book yourself."

After saying this, she saw him release her and was surprised at how easily he had let her go. Instead of hurting her for not being "nice," he headed off back into the house. Now, she was just confused. What was he scheming? He was currently acting somewhat odd.

There wasn't any way that her tears could have had an effect on him. She had cried before, and he didn't seem to be bothered by them. Technically, he had stopped his actions yesterday after she had cried, but she had a feeling that it wasn't her crying that got to him. It was something else. Perhaps, it was something that she had said, but she couldn't remember exactly what she had exclaimed to him the other day.

Maybe if she could recall her exact words, she could use them against him. If those words were his weakness, she would exploit them, for she wanted to get out of the cursed house. Finding a new sense of hope from this, she hoisted herself up and went to see what Drem was up to. Granted, she could also use the opportunity to escape.

She could hear movement in the kitchen, since he had left the backdoor open, so she might have ample time to climb the backyard fence. This debate didn't last long, however, because she felt herself being pushed forward. An aggravated groan left her lips, since she recognized the cold air seeming to slam against her.

"I'm going, I'm going. There's no need to make it feel like winter," she mumbled out, walking forward and back into the home. She left the backdoor open, since she presumed that he might make her go back out later. Still, though, she felt another wave of chilliness hit her. The only benefit to the freezing waves was that it numbed the pain on her bruises and cuts for a bit.

Enclosed Perimeters (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now