A Communication Problem

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  When (F/n) finished her apple, she half tempted to chuck the core into the pond as well. She decided against it, though, since she didn't want to get into the habit of just throwing things over the fence. Standing up, she headed back towards the backdoor but halted before actually entering the house. The garden in comparison to the interior of the home seemed like paradise. Still, she had to remind herself that the statue was gone.

Taking a step inside, she felt her hair stand slightly on end, but she pushed it aside. The odd atmosphere would dissipate soon enough, and she could just relax. She shut the backdoor behind her and locked it, while her stomach growled again. Well, she didn't expect that apple to fill her up entirely.

Going over to the kitchen, she went to get some more food until she saw the mess upon the floor. Various pens and markers were strewn across the ground, while the drawer that they belonged in was left open. Had the possessed statue caused this to happen? If so, she didn't understand why it would need to get into the pen and marker drawer.

The other option, however, wasn't a pleasant one. It would mean that she hadn't rid the house of the problem. In fact it could mean that the house itself was haunted and not just a mere object. That in itself was highly unsettling, and she wanted to hold onto the firm belief that she had eradicated the problem. She wished to be done with all the strange happenings in the house and unnerving atmosphere.

So, she pushed the negative thoughts aside and held onto the fact that she threw out the statue. The creepy dancing man was no longer a part of the house but was at the bottom of the pond. Holding onto that fact, she picked up the mess and put all of the items back into the drawer before closing it. Finished with that task, she went over to the refrigerator and took out some of the cheese. She also grabbed some crackers from one of the cupboards.

Picking out a simple glass plate from the dishware selection, (f/n) dumped some of the crackers onto the plate and placed slices of cheese onto them. Once completed with making her meal, she put the extra away. There was still quite a bit left of the two food items, though.

Grabbing her plate, she headed into the living room, plopped herself down on the couch and turned on the television. There wasn't too much on, and there were no murder mysteries on either. Above her, though, were the DVDs that Nathan owned. Frankly, she didn't feel like watching anything about antiques or a horror movie. After all she had just experienced her own supernatural tale, and once was enough for her.

Eventually, though, she found a documentary about penguins on and thought that it would be entertaining. Penguins were pretty cute in her opinion. Besides, seeing the birds waddle around and slide down hills of snow would distract her from what she just had to deal with.

Drem, on the other hand, was less than pleased. She hadn't even freaked out at the seeing the writing utensils spread across the kitchen floor. His little doe just simply put them away and was now casually watching a program. Honestly, she was feeling much too safe, since the statue was gone. Right now if he really wanted to, he could open one of the knife drawers and throw one at her. It would be so simple, yet there she was eating with no ounce of worry in her eyes. It would make the action less than satisfying.

Getting off the counter, he went over to her and crouched in front of her. Without any hesitation he blew up on the cracker and cheese that she was eating. The force pushed the food up, as it smacked her in the nose. A laugh escaped his lips, as he saw her eyes widen for a moment. They were only filled with surprise, though, not fear. Well, he would go a bit overboard with the next opportunity he had to mess with her, and it would do much more than startle her.

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