Ruin Breakfast

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"Anything else, or can I go get some breakfast?" (f/n) questioned, wishing to push Drem off of her. She wanted to destroy the monkey, but in reality Drem being in a visible form was more beneficial to her. His every action, she could see it, and she knew where he was at. He couldn't just move from behind her to the front of her. Still, she had lost her patience with him, but she couldn't do a thing against him unless she desired some negative consequence.

Climbing off of her lap, he gripped her left pant leg and tugged on the fabric. "You've got to be kidding me!? You expect me to take off my pants now and in front of you!? Not going to happen!" she shouted, as she kept a steady scowl on her face. Technically, the shirt would be long enough on her to be considered a dress, but she would rather wear pants with it. If she were to wear a dress, she could only imagine some of the perverted moves that Drem might pull on her.

He tilted his head to the right a little as if confused, but she had a feeling that he was merely messing with her. After a few seconds of a staring contest, he positioned his head back to normal and started to walk around her. Her eyes trailed his movement, and she recalled the knife next to her. Quickly, she snatched it up and stood onto her feet.

Drem stopped his movement and turned to look up at her. The smile on the monkey's face was most likely an understatement of his actual expression. Frankly, though, she hadn't been not "nice" to him. She hadn't made a move to attack him; she had only refused to follow his previous order. Granted, he probably considered disobedience as being not "nice." Whatever the case, she wasn't going to surrender to him so easily.

"I'm staying in my pajama pants whether you like it or not. I already unbuttoned part of my shirt for you, and it stops there," she voiced, taking a step away from the silent stuffed toy. In all honesty she had only unbuttoned the top three buttons because nothing would be revealed by her doing so. Her bra was still concealed, and she wouldn't let Drem get another look at it. "Now, I'm going to go get some breakfast," she added, as she moved closer to exiting Nathan's room.

Her gaze stayed focused on Drem entirely, though. So far, he made no step towards her, but he could charge again like last time. It unnerved her greatly at how still he could be at times. Then again, he could have left the monkey's body again, but the chilly atmosphere, which went with his invisible form, was lacking.

Once she was out of Nathan's room and in the hallway, she saw him still in the same spot. What was he planning this time? Would he really just let her have breakfast, after she had refused his command?

Slowly, she advanced closer towards the kitchen. Eventually, she couldn't see him anymore, but she walked backwards in case he came out into the hall. Her left fingers clenched the blade in a death grip, while her breathing started to become uneven. His miniscule amount of movement was freaking her out.

To her relief, though, she made it into the kitchen. Granted, she didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. Drem could use a number of weapons against her in the area, and her right hand instinctively went up to her upper left cheek upon seeing the kitchen counter. She could easily trace out the four letters there. Most likely, they would scar, and she would have his name inscribed on her face forever.

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