Breakfast Date

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"What? Haven't you seen someone almost fall before?" she inquired, her voice taking on its usual tone of dislike when she was around him. She figured that silence wouldn't help her in the slightest, since she would look more like a deer in the headlights. If he caught her escaping or suspected her to be trying to get away, she didn't wish to know what sick form of punishment for her he would choose.

Thankfully, however, he turned around and signaled with his right arm for her to follow him. The musical was still playing in the background, not fitting the atmosphere at all. Being harmed in some way, while children were singing, wasn't a desire of hers. In addition to this, she really didn't want her favorite song from the musical to become a source of terror for her.

Still, Drem hadn't attempted anything yet, but his behavior was hard to determine. The male could strike out at her at any moment with no warning. He was frustratingly in constant control of authority. Should he decide to end her life, he could probably do so with the flick of one of his fingers. For all she knew, he could currently be leading her to her demise.

So, once they were in the kitchen, she made sure to keep substantial distance between them. It would have been nice if the knives in the kitchen were effective against him, but such a thought was a mere far-off hope that would most likely never take form in her reality.

Crossing her arms over her chest, however, she leaned back against the counter and maintained her sight on him. She couldn't harm him, but at least she could keep watch on him most of the time now. Granted, she did wonder what he was pulling out of the freezer drawer. Was it some form of weapon or a harmless piece of food? Additionally, she noted that he was once again out of the monkey. It probably made opening the freezer easier.

(F/n) watched as food items were set aside, and it appeared that what he was searching for was at the bottom of the drawer. Soon enough, a box came into view before it was set on the counter next to the stove. Was he going to cook her breakfast? Did he like making her food or something? Or, was he secretly poisoning her foods items and planning on killing her slowly?

At least the food item was French toast sticks. He would have to poison the syrup or toppings if his intent was contaminate her food. She would eat them plain, then. Of course, she would have to consume the syrup or toppings if Drem forced them upon her.

Technically, she wouldn't have to. She could resist him like last time, but that didn't end too well for her. In reality she could only struggle so much before she was injured beyond repair.

Walking around the house hurt, since she had to put pressure on her wounded ankles, and she would rather avoid receiving another injury like that. Maybe if Drem insisted on the syrup or toppings, she could try to convince him against making her eating them. Frankly, though, she couldn't think of something that wouldn't make the situation worse. She just hoped that she could eat them plain. Then again if she were able to prepare her own meal, that would be the most ideal option.

While she thought about these possibilities, Drem had already put everything that he didn't want back. He was now placing the French toast sticks on a pan on the stove, and the monkey remained on the kitchen tiles motionless. Personally, he was somewhat shocked to still find frozen French toast sticks in the freezer. Nathan had supposedly stopped eating them after the incident. That's what Nathan had told him anyway before the antique collector had begun to ignore him.

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