Tell a Tale

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 Most of the day had passed with them reading. There was a lunch break in between, but that was it. Otherwise, she moved her sitting position on the couch several times, while Drem adjusted to her changing locations. The plot had carried the protagonist into a cave on the island which was mostly flooded.

Currently, the main character was acquiring diving gear to search the cave, since she had discovered that the murderer had never left the island. The facts had all pointed to the individual being in the cave, even though it was flooded. So, they thought that it would best to at least check the area.

(F/n) wasn't looking forward to reading that part due to her recalling the fountain incident. It wasn't not like showers or baths bothered her, but being under water for a long duration of time didn't sit well with her anymore. Drem had ruined any ideas about scuba diving over one of her breaks for her.

What helped her carry on with the book was that both the protagonist and she were on a mission for answers. They would plunge into the dark depths of the unknown to find something of value. In all honesty her maddening situation aided her in appreciating mystery books more. Answers weren't easy to come by, and they sometimes required putting one's life on the line. Of course, she didn't have a choice to opt out of the life or death situation; she had been thrown right into it in the beginning.

By the time that she finished reading the text, it was nine in the evening. She closed the book and received no protest from Drem, as he hopped off of her lap and headed into the kitchen. If only she could solve the mystery before her.

As she sat on the couch and debated on various theories, she concluded that Drem killing Evelyn wasn't a bizarre option. The male had proven himself capable of violent acts. Not to mention that he was sadistic at times as well. Besides, there was no question that Drem despised the female.

Granted, she didn't want to ask him if he killed her directly. She didn't know how he would react to such an accusation, but she wished to confirm it at the same time. Her eyes looked over to the kitchen and the now moving dishes. Maybe, she would wait until he put the knife down and was back in his monkey form.

So, she waited and was soon presented with a plate of macaroni and cheese along with a small salad. She ate in silence after she pulled him up onto the couch at his request. After a few bites, though, she felt the need to ask; she had waited long enough. "Did you by any chance kill Evelyn?"

His glass eyes met hers, but she couldn't read him. Cold went by her before paper and a pen rested on the coffee table. Finish your dinner, and we'll talk afterwards. I want you to focus on the food that I made you first.

How could she focus when there was a pressing question to solve? Regardless, she did follow his request, well more like demand. If it meant that she would receive an answer, she would go along with it. Upon completing her meal, she set the dishes aside and indicated for him to proceed.

I was going to wait a little longer until I told you anything about what specifically occurred five years ago, since it could drastically change your opinion of me. Then again, your feelings towards me are progressing slower than I thought.

So, maybe I need to have you understand the situation, and how I became this way. I do want you to fully comprehend why I don't want to let you go, especially after you comforted me the other day. I just ask you to keep an open mind and try to grasp how things looked from my perspective. Can you agree to sit here and listen for the entire time?

Enclosed Perimeters (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now