A Puzzle Piece

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Upon the musical finishing, another musical started up. (F/n) had seen the movie multiple times throughout her life, but she was again stunned to see that Drem was fine with watching it. Granted, he watching a musical was preferable to his more violent actions. She could tell that he was still in the monkey due to lack of the cold atmosphere, which was a relief, since she didn't need him performing one of his stunts while she was paying attention to the movie.

Technically, she really wasn't focusing on the musical. Rather, her mind was attempting to find the missing puzzle pieces. She recalled how Drem had frozen a few days ago when she had told him something. That something was still fuzzy in her mind, and she worked on trying to remember at least one word from that moment in time.

There was a word with an m, but what was it? If her mind had only been less panicked, she could probably recall it better. She wanted to groan out in frustration, but she didn't wish to attract Drem's attention. He was surprisingly still watching the movie, or at least the monkey faced the television screen.

She bit her bottom lip in concentration but quickly stopped, since it was still somewhat swollen from the other day. So instead, she leaned forward a bit and rested her chin in the palm of her left hand, while her left elbow pressed against her left knee. Just one more letter might help, but what could she have said with an m.

All she could think of was mayhem, murder, malignant, but those words just described Drem. Back then, she knew that she hadn't insulted him in that moment. She furrowed her brows and frowned. Why did her memory have to fail her now? Maybe, she could ask Drem. No, that would be idiotic. He would probably charge her some price, and he might not even remember what she had said. Then again, his reaction would point to the fact that her statement had struck a chord in him.

Her currently forgetful memory was really being a pain and causing her misery. Wait, that was it! She had mentioned to him the word miserable. Out of her excitement at recalling the word, she pounded her right fist into the palm of her left hand and accidently shouted out, "Why are you so intent on making me miserable? That's what I had said!"

Easily hearing her outburst, since he was right next to her, he glanced over to her and wondered why she had yelled that out. Why was she saying that again? Was it just to mock him? No, she seemed way too happy about it. Well, she seemed glad whenever she managed to get away from him. Whatever the case he wasn't amused.

The second part of his little doe's statement, however, wouldn't point to her taunting him. Instead, it was more likely that she was merely remembering her question from a few days ago. Why would she want to, though? What purpose did that serve her? Unless she had somehow figured out that the phrase had significant meaning to him. Was that the reason?

Cursing at such a possibility, he left the monkey and flipped the paper over. He began to move the pen across the paper. Why did you shout that out right now? His little doe looked over at the paper, and he noted that a smirk formed on her lips.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Drem. You're keeping important information from me, so why should I tell you? Let me guess, you'll force me to tell you, or you'll punish me, right?"

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