Building a Pet House?

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

(F/n) wasn't expecting to find herself in her bedroom, nor had she anticipated finding herself waking up. She sat up in her bed, as the sheets rolled off of her form a little bit. Scratching the right side of her head in confusion, she figured that Drem had brought her in at some point.

Her clothes from yesterday were still on, but her hair was now somewhat tangled. Already, her right fingers got caught in a knot. She tugged them away, an "ow" leaving her lips. (F/n) searched to see where the monkey was, or at least what the time was.

Discovering that her wristwatch was still on her left wrist, she read the time to be eleven in the morning. Her stomach almost growled immediately after she had checked the time. She recalled that she had been waiting in the backyard for her dinner. Obviously, her body required rest more. Now, though, its objectives had apparently changed.

Climbing out of bed, she decided to grab a change of clothes and head into the shower. During the time period of gathering the desired items and walking to the bathroom, she still didn't see Drem anywhere. Given her short past with him, he was probably preparing something for her. Whether it was good or bad, she didn't know.

Hopefully, he hadn't returned to his state of emotional and mental breakdown. Rather, she wanted him to maintain his happiness from after she had calmed him down. Of course, this wasn't because she enjoyed seeing him joyful. It was just beneficial to her. A happy Drem meant most likely no violent episodes.

After she had finished her shower, she changed into her clean undergarments, pale green capris, cotton white v-neck and white fuzzy slippers. She buckled her watch on her left wrist and exited the bathroom. Upon doing so, she instantly stopped herself. Right outside the door was a simple bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal with a silver spoon in it. She could see the steam still rising from it before her eyes turned to the small note next to it.

Picking it up, she saw the front side blank. She flipped it over and read. Sorry for the simple meal, my little doe, but I want to work on the pet house as soon as possible. Also, your dinner from last night will be reheated for tonight's meal. P.S You sure do like to cuddle, don't you? I had trouble getting away from you this morning~

Feeling like a vein had popped in her head; she crushed the note, as her cheeks heated up some. She huffed and sat down in front of the bowl. As she shoveled the meal into her mouth out of embarrassment, she reminded herself to have a pillow in her arms before she fell asleep. That way, she couldn't accidentally snuggle with a plush monkey Drem.

Completing her meal, she stood up and took the bowl into the kitchen. After she set it in the sink, she went towards the garage. Her fear of the area was still there, but it was less than it was yesterday. Drem had only seemed interested in the tools when he had lost his control. So, making sure that he didn't lose it was a priority.

Opening the garage door, she became surprised with the amount of light that greeted her. She shielded her eyes with her right arm and wondered how the light bulb had suddenly grown so intense in illumination. Slowly, she lowered her arm and noticed that the garage door was open.

Freedom was staring right back at her, and she took a steady step forward in slight disbelief. The light of her future greeted her with open arms. She stepped forward again to greet it with open arms. Perhaps, she was dreaming.

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