Troublesome Clothes

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

Several hours passed before the end of the grand finale of the book came to be. Thankfully, for her Drem had been too entranced by the novel to try anything. All he did was peacefully sit on her lap and read along with her. Occasionally, when she would go to flip a page, he had placed one of his paws on one of her hands to indicate to her that he hadn't finished reading the page yet.

In all honesty it was strange seeing him that calm. Sadly, she doubted that he would remain like that all the time. Perhaps, though, she could convince him to read her other mystery book with her. If he agreed, she would avoid more hours of his tormenting tendencies.

Regardless, with the final sentence of the book read, she closed the item and set it aside on the couch. "Drem, can you get off of my lap now? I need to get the laundry done," she mentioned, not touching the monkey, since she didn't want him to lash out at her for moving him or something as simple as that. Much to her relief, he climbed off and hopped off the couch next.

"Thanks," (f/n) mumbled out, as she stood up from the couch and headed to the bathroom to retrieve the clothes hamper. Sadly, she noted Drem tailing her. He had stated that he would supervise her more now, and he was clearly fulfilling that promise much to her displeasure.

Peering over her shoulder and down at him, she inquired, "If I told you that I trust you, would you give me some more space?" His response wasn't immediate, but he shook his head. "I thought that you would if I decided to believe in you not to act horribly twenty four seven." This time, he shrugged. "Well, aren't you kind," she muttered out sarcastically.

Looking away from him, she went to head into the bathroom before she felt something soft poke her left ankle. She gazed downward to see Drem staring up at her. "What? Did you change your mind?" He shook his head and pointed at her before he made a heart shape to the best of his ability with his plush hands.

The action combined with his form reminded her a little bit of one of those Valentine's Day plush animals. This thought in itself was bizarre, considering that the monkey before her was possessed by an entity that was potentially previously human. Still, she had no idea what he was getting at. He deconstructed the heart shape and proceeded to point at himself.

"Maybe, you should go grab your paper and pencil and tell me what you mean." He shook his head again and made the three-step action again. "So, I'm going to have to decode this?" She received a nod in response.

Thinking over his actions for a few minutes, she replied, "Fine, you're either saying that you want me to love you. Or, you're stating that you want me to give you my heart, which could mean the same as the first. Another option would be that you want my literal heart, which is just downright creepy, messed up and not going to happen. The first two won't happen either, in case you were wondering."

Drem curled his right pinky and ring finger up along with his thumb. His right middle and index finger were in the shape of a V. The male proceeded to make the 'I'm watching you' action. She raised an eyebrow at this and questioned, "So, now you won't decrease your supervision unless one of these three things happens?"

Once again, he shook his head. He held up two fingers. "Unless, one of the first two things occurs?" she asked, her tone indicating that she was tired of his guessing game. This time, he nodded. (F/n) rolled her eyes and turned on her heel before she went into the bathroom and grabbed the hamper. Of course, she avoided the knives on the floor in the process.

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