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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Thankfully, Nathan was out of town for still some time, as he wouldn't want to see the condition of his room. (F/n) had started out putting everything back in its place, but with time that action died down to nonexistence. So, his room was presently a mess.

The sheets on the bed were incredibly disarranged, and the mattress was at an angle. Pillow cases lied on the ground, while the pillows themselves were lying on the bed in a haphazard manner. Drawers were pulled out and various objects littered the floor. Only the antiques were spared mercy from her incessant search for evidence. There wasn't anything in them either, but they were set back nicely in their places.

Nathan already had one of his antiques now at the bottom of a pond, and she presumed that she should treat the rest of them with some respect, with the exemption of the monkey of course. After all she did wish to kick Drem across the room at times. Still, she was tempted to break some of them out of spite for Nathan allowing her to watch over his house with giving her no warning about Drem.

Despite the mess in the room, she had discovered nothing of interest to her. Running her fingers through her (h/c) locks, she huffed out loudly in annoyance. She desired to scream at the top of her lungs in frustration. It didn't help that Drem was watching her quietly, and she felt like he was mocking her secretly. Honestly, it wouldn't shock her if he began to laugh at her predicament. If anything, she expected him to chuckle at least.

Even with her high amounts of exasperation, she figured that she might as well put everything back. She seemingly marched around the room, setting objects back in their places, so that the space would look like it did before she trashed it. (F/n) wondered if Drem were at the minimum smiling. He must be thrilled that she didn't find anything that related to his relationship in the past with Nathan.

Once the room was arranged to its original condition, she rested the palms of her hands on her hips and thought about where to look next. Nathan could've hid something anywhere in the house. There was even the possibility that he buried something in the backyard. She would check there as a last resort, though. Frankly, she didn't desire to start digging up the backyard, as she enjoyed lying on the soft grass. Piles of dirt and holes wouldn't make for a good resting spot.

Maybe, she should check the garage next. That was a logical place to store things of the past, unless one had a tuff shed. Since Nathan didn't own one, the garage was the next best option. It was merely that she didn't want to venture into there. She would be going in there tomorrow, so why rush it?

What if, though, she found something that was vital to what separated the two males? Drem had stated that she would let her search the house, but he hadn't promised not to kill her once she did. Perhaps, she should check the bathroom next then. It would be quick, since there was only the cabinet under the sink and the medical cabinet. Both were uncommon hiding places. In other words they were good candidates for examination.

Eventually, though, she would have to travel into the garage. Probably if she wished to come across something on value, she would have to step into the area and look around it. A sigh escaped her lips, as she headed into the bathroom and crouched down in front of the cabinet below the sink.

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