Package a Gift

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The day had so far been unusual from the past ones. Drem hadn't prepared her meal for her. Instead, she had made her own breakfast of apple cinnamon oatmeal. During her meal, it had been quiet, and she had wondered if Drem was still in the garage.

Even after she had finished eating, the house had remained quieter than usual. It would've been the perfect environment for a good book reading, but she had already finished her second one. There were Nathan's books, but she didn't really want to read about antiques at the moment. Besides, she would probably just chuck the book after the first page to spite Nathan.

So, she had resorted to sitting on the couch and watching television. Her eyes did travel to the door, though, a few times. After all the cold air was present, but it wasn't as strong as it could have been, meaning that Drem was probably some distance from her. He could still be watching her, however. Of course, she could probably walk around the house until she felt the cold at its strongest, and she was tempted to do so. Or, she could just dart for the door.

Already, she had heard what had happened five years ago, so she figured that she wouldn't miss much if she left. Then again, there was another troubling question besides the fact that Nathan and Drem somehow could perform impossible tasks. Why did no one question Nathan about Drem's and/or Evelyn's disappearance? She doubted that only Nathan knew them.

In the scheme of things, did such knowledge really matter? Maybe, it did, since the antique collector was technically a murderer. Was it more important than her life? No, it wasn't. She had heard all that she needed to.

Then again, what about Drem and his condition? Even if she hadn't heard him last night, his writing gave away his emotions. Would it be cruel to leave him after he had poured out that part of his story to her? Perhaps, it would be, but she had her life ahead of her. She didn't want to stay in this house and keep Drem company until the day that she died.

When her thoughts ended, she found herself in front of the entrance door. Her right hand rested on the doorknob, as the knob begged to be turned. She didn't feel the chill in the air increase, so she presumed that Drem wasn't nearby.

(F/n) heard a door open, but it wasn't the front one. Quickly, she drew back from her escape and went for the couch, but her feet stopped when she heard the doorbell now ring, which was odd. She hadn't seen anyone walk up the pathway nor had she heard any vehicle pull up. Then again, her mind had been focused on her own thoughts at that time.

By now the garage door was open, and the cold air was quite close to her. A seemingly light tap of freezing air met the middle of her back, signaling her to go towards the door. Steadily, she opened the rectangular object and was met by a young looking woman. She had the mail uniform on and a beaming smile. "So, this is the haunted house?!" she asked, excitedly, nearly dropping the package in her hands.

A nervous smile crossed (f/n)'s lips, as she ignored the woman's inquiry and questioned, "So, Otis isn't working this route anymore?"

"Oh no, he moved to another one. He was shaking when he came back. He's not working the route right now, however. He's taking two weeks off and staying at home, but you have some bruises there!" she exclaimed, leaning closer to (f/n).

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