Begin the Second Week

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Uneventful described the rest of the day. It consisted of continuing to watch movies on the television screen, while Drem weirdly proceeded to play with her hands. He switched between the two every now and then. There were also the occasional food and bathrooms breaks. Regarding the food, Drem made sure to retrieve the food for her. If she wanted something from the pantry, he would run and get it. For lunch and dinner, he had prepared her meals for her.

In light of his odd behavior, it would make the next seven days simple. Should he remain in his present state of behavior, she wouldn't have to worry about him trying to attack her that much. Besides, she gave up on resisting food from him, especially since he wouldn't allow her to get any herself anymore. She needed sustenance, and he currently made himself the sole provider of it.

Once it was midnight, she shut off the television and went to head to bed. She would take a shower in the morning. Just lying on top of her covers, she cuddled her face into one of the pillows on her bed. Presently, she didn't know if Drem had followed her, but she didn't stop to check. It's not like she could dissuade him to leave her alone unless she potentially promised him something in exchange for that alone time. Frankly, she wasn't apt to trading with him.

Just when she was about to drift off into the comforting arms of sleep, she felt something plush poke her right cheek. Opening her right eye slightly, she noted that Drem was sitting right in front of her face. She had expected that it would be him. There wasn't exactly another possessed plush toy in the house. Well, at least she hoped not.

Due to her correct prediction on it being him, she really wasn't caught off guard. There was still a plush monkey staring her straight in the face, but it wasn't as surprising as it could've been. "What do you want now?" she mumbled out, wishing to go to sleep.

Seeing him lean forward, she instinctively moved her head away from him, but he continued to move close to her. Eventually, she was close to rolling off of the bed. While she was debating on getting up and off or remaining where she was, she felt a light soft sensation touch her forehead. Her eyes directed their attention to Drem, who was now facing the other way and going towards the room door.

He jumped off of the bed and exited the room, leaving her to her own devices. Her right hand went up to her forehead and touched the area gently. Had he just given her a good night's kiss? The idea was bizarre to her, but she required rest and could think on it in the morning. Or, she could forget about it entirely, which might be more favorable to her.

Moving herself back to her original position on the bed, she closed her eyes again. This time, she was able to enter the world of rest. Drem, on the other hand, remained wide awake and was executing his newest operation.

It was just the beginning of afternoon when she reopened her eyes. She tiredly and lazily looked around to see Drem nowhere nearby. This was both relieving and worrying. He could be planning to frighten her, or he was just giving her some relaxation. Hopefully, it was the second option.

Sitting up on the bed, however, proved it to be the first. Or, at least it appeared that way. She couldn't exactly comprehend what she was seeing or rather the meaning behind it.

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