A Needle and Thoughts

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Gathering the proper supplies, Drem was presently frustrated. He was trying to be more courteous to his little doe, but she was being as stubborn as ever. Of course, it was unreasonable to expect her feelings to change in a couple of hours, but he thought that stargazing would be enjoyable.

Well, it was for him; he had a feeling that it was the opposite for the doe. After all she had read seemingly every line with a tinge of venom in her tone. She made it sound like every tale behind the constellations was some terrible curse ready to lash out at her.

Maybe, he would try it again in the future. He never had the opportunity to search for constellations with Nathan, so he thought that it would be beneficial to do so with his little doe. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

Regardless of what she felt about the stargazing, he had made dinner for her. It wasn't the most elaborate of meals, but he went with something simple because she had mentioned that she was hungry. Why couldn't she see that? Couldn't she give him some points for that?

Honestly, it would have been simpler to just force her to stay outside and have her eat in the morning. Did he do that, though? No, he didn't. Instead, he made her dinner, yet she had refused to eat it until he had put a knife in her leg. Was that some rebellion of hers? If it was, it was foolish. Could his little doe be that desperate to get out of the house that she would get injured rather than eat?

If that was the case, she was farther down Nathan's path than he had anticipated. Perhaps, stabbing her in the legs wasn't the best solution, but he hadn't harmed Nathan and look where that got him. Besides, she would come to her senses eventually and realize that he was only inflicting pain on her because he had feelings for her.

Frankly, though, he wished that he didn't possess feelings for her. It would have made things easier. He wouldn't have to worry about getting her to like him. Beforehand, he had only been focused on getting her to be dependent on him. Now, however, he was adding another layer, which caused things to be much more complicated.

His thoughts only bringing him more frustration, he closed the cupboards that he had opened and headed back towards the kitchen area. The doe was still on the ground where he had left her. She was pressing a hand to each injury, right hand on her right leg and vice versa.

Her attention shot over to him when she noticed him entering the area. His little doe's typical glare was decorating her face, and he couldn't help but smile. It was cute that she thought such an expression would have an effect on him. Regardless, he did have to tend to her injuries.

Setting down the supplies, he noted her moving back a little ways away from him. He merely shook his head in response before he decreased the distance between them. Much to his annoyance, she didn't stop trying to get away until she was backed into one of the kitchen cupboards. Seriously, he was only going to treat her wounds. She was acting like he was going to kill her with the needle in his hand. If he had wished to kill her, he wouldn't have missed the arteries in her legs.

So, bringing the supplies closer, he went to start working on the wounds, but she snatched the needle from him as well as some of the other items. He would have grabbed them back, but it was probably best that she was handling the needle. After all his hands at the moment weren't the best.

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