Chapter 1:

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Keith's pov.

"Just take the knife! It doesn't matter where I come from...I know who I am...we all need to work together to defeat Zarkon...if that means I give up this knife fine...take it..." I said handing them the blade.

Shiro and I were at the headquarters of the blade of marmora. I was about to give up on my only connexion to my past. But defeating Zarkon is our number one priority.

The knife started glowing. One of the galra said "You've awoken the blade..."

I looked at it transforming into a bigger purple knife. How did I do that? "The only way this is possible is if galra blood run through your veins."

Galra blood...? What...? I looked up to Shiro and saw him shocked "Why did you hide such a thing Keith...? Don't you trust us?!" he asked.

"I swear I didn't know Shiro! That's not possible! There must be another explanation!" I could deny it as much as I wanted, but this blade in my hand proved the opposite...I'm galra...

"Since you have a galra fighting against Zarkon with you, we will help you to defeat him." said their leader.

We got into the red lion and rejoined the castle.

After joining back the castle, and after having the leader of the blade of marmora talking to Allura, I went to my room. I knew I needed to tell the others about what I discovered...but how?

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. Looking up, it was Shiro. "What do you want...?" I asked. "Keith...I reacted badly back then...I was just shocked...I didn't mean to sound harsh..." he apologized. "It's ok Shiro...I know it's hard to suddenly find out your friend is galra..." I said. "Will you tell the others?" he asked. "Yes...and now..." I said standing up and walking to the others. I was so scared. What if they don't want me to be the red paladin anymore...? What if they think I'm an enemy...?

"Everyone...I need to tell you something...Shiro and I found out today...please don't take it badly..." everyone looked at me. I felt my heart speeding up. If I could, I would cry right now...but I need to stay strong!

"I'm galra..." I finally said. A heavy and awkward silence took place. I couldn't look at them, but I knew they were all shocked. I couldn't take it anymore. That silence was too much. I ran to my room and locked the door. Why do I have to be like that? Why am I galra? I never wanted to! I was about to cry when I heard a knock on the door. I took a deep breath and opened. Pidge and Hunk were there. As soon as I opened the door, they both hugged me so tightly I couldn't breath "Gu-guys...can't...breath..." I managed to say. "Keith you need to know that we accept you the way you are!" said Hunk. "We're sorry if we made you feel bad earlier. We shouldn't have." said Pidge. These two made me smile and tear up a bit. I shed my tears and hugged both. "Thanks...that means a lot to me..."

After they left I started thinking. Shiro, Pidge and Hunk accept the fact that I'm galra. Allura and Coran will surely have difficulties accepting it since galra destroyed their planet. But what about Lance...? Will he accept it or not...? Why am I even thinking about it...? I shouldn't. He's just an idiot that will never think about me...

Exactly when I was about to stop thinking, I heard a knock on the door. I opened and saw him. Lance. Each time I look at him I feel butterflies in my stomach. I hate that feeling, because I don't know what does it mean. I think it's hate. Yes I hate Lance. "What do you want...?" I asked him. "It's dinner time. Don't you wanna come?" he asked. "Not really..." I said. "I figured out. That's why I brought food for both of us to eat here." he said giving me a plate with food. "Both of us? Don't you wanna eat with the others?" I asked. "And let my galra mullet rival eat alone? Never!" he said with a chuckle. We sat down and started eating. Lance couldn't stop making stupid jokes that made me laugh. He's so stupid.

After eating he looked at me in the eyes. It was the first time I notice how blue his eyes are. "Keith..." he said making me come back to my senses. "It doesn't matter if you're galra or not...Keith stays're the great red one can replace're important to the whole're a great person and I'll stay by your side no matter what..." he said. The last sentence made me blush bright red. "I mean...euh...we...we'll stay by your side...the whole team..." he blushed too. I laughed at how stupid he could be. Suddenly he hugged me. I felt warm. Very warm. I soon found myseld wrapping my arms around him. I felt comfortable around him. It was...different from the hug with Hunk and Pidge... "Keith...? Are you crying...?" he asked making me notice my tears. "No...I'm not..." I denied it. "Wow...the great Keith Kogane is crying on my shoulder. What a great honour!" he said. Such an idiot. I cuckled but said " don't let go of me until I calm down..."

We eventually spent half an hour like that. It was weird but great... I had to let go of him when I stopped crying. We promised each other that what happened here would stay here. Maybe the butterflies in my stomach don't mean hate...maybe it' nothing don't even dare to think about it! I'm not falling for him! No way in hell I'm falling for him!


Hey I hope you like this fanfiction. It's gonna be almost the same as the rest of season 2. And I said almost. For example Shiro won't disappear and I'll make very cute KLance moments. Also it's not related to season 3 in any way. I hope you like it❤

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