Chapter 25:

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Lance's pov.

One month had passed since we lost Keith. I still can't get over it. Is it something wrong? I don't know...
I want to believe it's wrong. I want to stop thinking of him. But why is it so hard?
Did I love Keith that much? Yes probably. Not a second has passed without me thinking of him.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to search for Keith. When I get out of the house I see the grave, and remember that he isn't here anymore.
I always take the ring, kneel down and ask "Keith will you marry me?"
I usually end up in tears, and mum would mostly find me still there next morning.
I'm ruining myself. I'm becoming crazy. I talk about Keith to anything. Yes I said anything not anyone. Sometimes I'm standing in front of a vase and talking to it. Sometimes it's a tomato. Sometimes a table. But I would mostly talk to his gravestone.
"You know...Keith was probably the best thing that ever happened to me...or maybe the worst...I'm talking to a rock thanks to him..." I said sighing in front of the grave.

"Hey Lance." Said my older brother joining me.
"Hey..." I said whipping away my tears.
"I know you're sad...but tonight there's a shooting star shower. We know the perfect spot for that. Will you join us?" He asked me.

I thought for a bit.
"Sure" I said thinking it was a rather good idea.
He then left me alone.
It was my turn to leave Keith's grave alone.
I left to blue to talk to her. It would always make me feel a bit better to talk to her.


We were all sitting on the green grass waiting for the shooting stars to arrive. My little sister sat on my lap
"Big brother? How is space? Is it beautiful?" She asked.
"The first two days it's amazing...but then it gets scary..." I said.
"But you were gone for more than two days. Were you scared?" She asked
"Yes...a lot..." I replied.
She hugged me tightly "But now you're here again and I will not let you leave this time!" She said.
I hugged back "Don't worry...I won't leave anymore..." I reassured her.

The shooting stars shower started. I looked at one of them. It was like this star was calling me. It was so illuminated. More than the others.
"I wish I could've spend more time with Keith...please make my dream of seeing him again come true..." I wished deeply still looking at it.

Suddenly it crashed. Far from us. But it crashed...just like my hopes and dreams...

Everything soon ended. We left back home. I went to bed and immediately fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I woke up by my phone ringing. I was still so tired. I lazily took my phone wondering if I should reply or not. Without checking who I was talking to I replied.
"You do notice it's 3 in the morning..." I said.
"Who cares! I'm glad you replied! I'll send you my location and you'll join me alright?" Said Pidge's voice.

"And why would I do that...?" I asked in the middle of the yawn.

"Because I found something amazing!" She said.

"Can't that wait till tomorrow...?" I replied ready to hang up.

"You won't want to wait after I tell you what it is" she said in an exciting voice.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Keith is still alive"

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