Chapter 26:

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3rd person pov.

Lance almost let his phone fall "Pidge if it's a prank it's not funny" he said
"I'm not joking!"
"H-how is that possible??" He asked
"Did you see the shooting star shower earlier?"
"Yes. One of them crashed."
"Exactly. Well these weren't normal shooting stars. We found a message where the star landed. It's in a very ancient language. Coran is trying to translate it. We found several coordinates."
"Then how can you know it's Keith?"
"He had his name written there and we found his DNA" said Pidge.
Lance couldn't believe that. He felt so happy.
"You can come tomorrow. We'll go to search in all the coordinates Coran found."
"I can't wait! Can I come now?" Asked Lance.
"Sure. I'll send you my location" she said before hanging up.

Lance got dressed as fast as he could. He checked his phone for the location and was about to get out of the house.

"Lance...? What are you doing this early in the morning...?" Asked his mother.
"I'm sorry I woke you up mum...but Pidge just called me. Keith might still be alive! I can't miss this chance to find him again!"
"Will you be gone for a long time...?"
"I don't know...but I promise I'll be back as soon as possible...and with Keith this time..." said Lance as hugging her tightly.
"I really hope you will find him...what makes you happy makes me happy too..." she said really meaning all her words.
"Thank you mum...that means a lot to me..." said Lance smiling softly, then left.

Soon after that, Lance was running toward the location. "I'm here!" He said arriving there. "Good timing Lance" said a familiar voice. Lance looked up to see the whole team here.

"Weren't you all supposed to come tomorrow?" Asked Lance shocked.
"As soon as Pidge told us there's a possibility that Keith is still alive, we couldn't sleep anymore" said Hunk.
"We can go search for Keith now" said Shiro.
Lance was on the verge of crying "You guys are the best..." he said.

"Alright paladins, these are the coordinates I could find so far. If I find more I'll send them to you. Lance, the two coordinates I gave you are the most likely to be Keith's. I wish you all good luck." Said Coran.

Lance's pov.

We all got into our lions. I started shaking. Was it fear? Was it happiness? A mix of both? Who knows. I flew in my lion to the first planet. I put on the scanner Pidge made. It would search for Keith's DNA in the whole planet.
That planet was empty.
My hopes were fading away, especially when I heard the others didn't find anything. I started crying again. I know there's still many planets to search, but what if we didn't find him? Or what if we were too late...?

Blue and I arrived to the other planet. I searched it all.
Again nothing.
We'll never find Keith...
I cried again losing all hope.

I wish I could've spend more time with Keith...please make my dream of seeing him again come true...

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

I suddenly heard the scanner beeping. No way...
I landed my lion and looked at the scanner.
He's here!
I can sense it!
I rushed to find many rocks on top of each other. Getting closer I saw a hand.
I'd recognize that hand between hundreds.
That soft hand that would fit perfectly into mine.
I took the rocks away and started seeing a body.
And finally a face.
That face I've been missing ever since I lost it.
Tears poured from my eyes like a fountain.
I put my ear on his chest, hearing thst his heart was still beating.
He seemed pretty beat up so I carried him to my lion.
In the coms I said "Guys stop searching! I found him! And he's alive!"

I heard cheers and tears from everyone. I couldn't wait to go back on earth. Coran said Keith probably needed some days in the healing pod.
I waited for him day and night. Mum would visit me in the castle every day to get me food from what she cooked. She's really the best mother ever. What would I do without her?

And the day finally came.

The day I was waiting for in so long.

The healing pod opened and Keith fell out of it.

I caught him.

I cried.

He opened his eyes.


"Welcome back Keith..." I said hugging him tighter than anytime. I kissed him with all the passion I've been keeping to myself for so long.

" saved got my message...I can't believe it...i thought I'd die...i lost all hope...and then you's a miracle..." he said crying as well.

"Promise me you'll never leave me again..."

"I promise you'll be mine and I'll be yours forever..."

~~~The end~~~
Jk it didn't end yet

Couples of years later, Keith and Lance worked as teachers as the garrison. They didn't go to space ever again but both of them would always talk about their adventures.
One day, Lance got the courage to propose to Keith. Keith surely accepted.
They had a huge wedding. Both of them cried so much that day.
A week later, they adopted a small girl that was 2 year old and a small boy that had the same age.
They lived the happiest life ever...a life none of them ever imagined to live...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The end~~~~~~~~~~~~

I really hope you guys loved this fanfiction. I'm sorry I had to end it but I hope I can write a new fanfiction soon. I love you guys. I loved all of your support. This was my best writing experience so far. Thank you everyone a lot❤❤❤           I love all of you💕💕💕

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