Chapter 8:

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Keith's pov.

Lance thinks I saved him? I wanted to deny it but I was happy. I was happy he didn't think it's my fault. "You're welcome..." was all that I said.

After having a last check on Lance, and after giving him food, we all headed to the beach. My skin was so pale, if I don't put enough sunscreen I'll burn quickly. On the other hand, Lance didn't put any sunscreen.
"You're not putting sunscreen?" I asked.
"No. I'm used to it. Back at home I would stay the whole day outside with a burning hot sun. The sum today is nothing." he explained. wonder his skin is so tan.

We jumped in the water. Lance was splashing everyone. He had so much fun. He looked like a 6 year old kid that's going to the beach for thr first time. He climbed on Hunk's back, which made them both fall back.
Then, a crab entered Lance's swim pants. I wish I was that crab... STOP IT GAY THOUTS!!!
"Keith your face is red. You should put more sunscreen." said Hunk.
"Oh euh...really? Thanks for telling me..." I said going to put sunscreen. But I knew I wasn't sunburnt. Stupid gay thoughts. Before joining the others, I saw Lance running toward me. "Do you know how to surf?" he asked.
"Yes. I surfed twice."
"Great! Come with me!" he said dragging me to god knows where.
We arrived to a place with many surfing boards. He picked a blue one and rushed to a side of the beach with lots of waves. It was far from the others. I took a surfing board and followed him. He was already surfing so I joined him. The waves here were a bit too strong for me. But I still tried. One of them was way too strong so I fell. For some reasons I couldn't get out. It's like something was pulling me down. I lacked of air. I needed to breath. I soon fell unconscious.

Lance's pov.

Keith and I were surfing. He was having some difficulties. I was about to ask him if he'd like to go to a side with smaller waves, but he disappeared in the water. I saw Keith falling but he didn't get out. I panicked and jumped in the water. The water here isn't salty, so I could open my eyes. I saw Keith drowning. I swam to him and got him out of the water. Should I do the mouth to mouth? This thought made me blush. But Keith's life is more important than anything. I closed my eyes and brought my lips closer to his face, only to get slapped. "What do you think you're doing?!"
"You drowned! I was about to do the mouth to mouth to save your life!"
Keith sat up and was red.
"You really need more sunscreen Keith."

*timeskip brought to you by my lazy ass*

After a week has passed, we were going to do other missions. "You all have incredible bound with your lions now. But you still need to strengthen your bound with each other. The following missions won't involve fighting. We'll send you on beautiful planets to spend some time together. Since Keith and Lance didn't go on any mission together yet you'll form the first team. Shiro, Hunk and Pidge will form the second team." said Allura. I'm going to go with Keith! Alone with Keith! Keith and I! Alone! Together! No fighting! Only bounding!

Keith's pov.

Alright. A mission with Lance. Bounding...only bounding...the two of us...alone...I can do this...

Lance's pov.


Red's pov.


Blue's pov.


Keith's pov.

The next day, everyone headed to their lions. The planet we're going to visit has weather changes each hour.
When we landed, aliens greeted us. All of them were...girls...and Lance couldn't stop flirting...he should be bounding with me! Not the girls!
"Lance!" I called for him.
"What is it?" he asked not even bothering to look at me.
"Come here. I need to talk to you."
"Fine Mullet. I'll come back later girls." he said the last part in a flirty way then walked to me. It started raining so we got an umbrella and walked away from the girls.
"Where are we going? And what did you want to tell me?" he asked.
I saw a bench and sat down with him.
"You shouldn't be flirting with the girls. Our mission is to bound together."
"Are you jealous?" he asked actually joking.
"Yes." words slipped out of my mouth.
"What?" he asked shocked.
"Y-yes...I'm jealous..." I said going back to my senses.
"Why would you be jealous?" he asked.

3rd person pov.

"Why would you be jealous?" asked Lance.
Keith talked without thinking "Because I love you idiot!"
When he realised what he said he started running, not caring about the heavy rain.
After processing what just happened Lance blushed dark red. "Keith!" he yelled dropping the umbrella and running after Keith.
Keith started crying. He ruined everything. He heard Lance yelling his name but he didn't care. He kept running until he fell on his face. His clothes were wet. But worst of all, Lance finally caught up to him.
"Man you run fast..." he said between breaths.
"Make fun of me already and let's get done with this." said Keith.
Lance chuckled then cupped Keith's face with his hands and leaned into a soft kiss.

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