Chapter 11:

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3rd person pov.

All of Lance's family was asleep. Lance finally got the courage to knock. The first awake were his parents. "Who do you think it is in the middle of the night...?" asked his mother. "I'll check..." said his father and stood up from the bed, walking to the door. He opened it and stood there in shock. "Hello's been a while..." said Lance with a small smile and on the verge of crying. His mother walked there "Who is it-..." when she saw Lance she cried and hugged him tightly "Lance! You're finally home!" she said in a high tone which made all his siblings wake up.
"What is it mom...? Why are you yelling...? It's 3 in the morning..." said the oldest one.
"Lance is back!" she said. All his siblings cried. Lance cried as well hugging each one of them.

Keith looked at them with a small smile. Lamce seemed so happy to see his family. It was a huge family. He wished he had such a big family. His thoughts got cut off by Lance saying.
"Everyone, I want you to meet Keith. He's the best pilot in our team, but also the best boyfriend ever! Can he stay with us?"
Keith blushed at Lance's words. "Sure he can!" sais his mother. Keith thanked her.
Everybody went back to sleep after making Lance promise he'll tell them everything the following day. Keith and Lance both went to Lance's room falling asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Fighting a galra ship in a lion is more exhausting than what it looks like. As sleeping, Keith's head automatically rested on Lance's chest while they hugged each other tightly as if the other was going to disappear. Lance's mother eventually took hundreds of pictures to put in the family album.

Next day, Lance and Keith woke up and headed to the kitchen. They both sat down. "Would you like bacon and eggs or pancakes?" asked Lance's older sister, Amelia. "Keith I just noticed we're going to eat food! Also pancakes! The ones you do are great Amelia!" said Lance happily. "Finally. I couldn't stand eating green goo anymore." replied Keith.
After having breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room, looking at Lance and Keith waiting for them to start talking.
"Ok so I think you noticed the two huge lion robots outside. Keith and I are paladins of Voltron and we're saving the universe. We have one month on earth then we'll go fight Zarkon, a very evil purple alien and then I'll come back home forever." said Lance. "That's great but what we wanted to know is what happened in space?" asked his older brother.

"First we had to figure out how to form Voltron. Keith suggested to build a cheerleader pyramid with the lions." said Lance, laughing at the last part. "You didn't have any better idea..." said Keith.
They talked about everything that happened from the first day to the most recent.
Keith and Lance laughed at most of the memories. Keith found out Lance still remembers the bounding moment.
"Big brother? Is your lion fast? Can you give us a ride?" asked his little sister. "My lion is fast. But Keith's is faster. Will you give them a ride Keith?"

Keith's pov.

I was riding my lion with two amazed kids. "Can I ride it? How does it work? Is there toilets? Is there a fridge? Is there a parking place for it? What colors are lions? Is there a pink one? A rainbow one? ..."
These kids can't stop asking questions. I think it's very annoying. But I'm not gonna deny that I enjoy it. I like kids. I would love adopting a kid with Lance in the future. I blushed a lot at that thought. Lance and I married and having two adopted kids is my goal in life. That would be the best thing that could happen to me.

I landed my lion and got out. As soon as I walked back in the house, Lance's mother rushed to me. "Since you're Lance's boyfriend you should see his photo album!" she said. Lance was standing next to her blushing. "You don't have to Keith..." he said clearly embarrassed. "But I want to." I said with a smirk.
We sat down on the couch. Lance on my left and his mother on my right. She handed me a blue album. On it was written "Lance's memories".
I opened it and started looking at the pictures. It started with a picture of a new born Lance. I felt like melting from the cutness. I carried on looking at the pictures, letting out some "awww" 's when Lance was too cute. Half of the album was empty. "That empty part is for the new pictures. That's why this month, I want you two to take as much pictures as you can of both of you together." she said.
When she left I looked at Lance and kissed him on the lips quickly. "Wait till Pidge sees these photos" I said with a giggle escaping my mouth. "Don't you dare show these to anyone!"

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