Chapter 3:

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Lance's pov.

We had already started our plan to defeat Zarkon. Unfortunately, the galra that was supposed to shut down the system had a problem and couldn't do it. "It's too late to get someone else on the inside." said the leader of the blade of marmora. "I'll do it" said Keith.
"I'll sneak on Zarkon's ship. I'm galra so I'll be able to interact with their technology." he said.
"Going into Zarkon's ship is a suicide mission. I would never command someone so inexperienced to go on a mission so dangerous."
"No one's commanding me. I'm doing it."
I was so amazed by Keith's courage, but also very worried. Like that galra said 'Going into Zarkon's ship is a suicide mission.'
I don't want anything to happen to Keith. Him and Pidge went preparing a pod for his infiltration mission. Allura soon joined them. After she got out, Pidge said that there was three minutes before launching that pod. I walked to Keith. "You better get out of here alive. Or I won't forgive you." I said. "Don't worry Lance..." he said hugging me. I was starting to get used to those hugs. "Launch in 30 seconds." we heard Pidge saying. "See you later Keith..." I said watching him getting in the pod and leaving.

*timeskip to the end of the battle*

It was a draw. Zarkon is too powerful. "There's a bad news and a good news." said Coran. "What's the good news?" asked Hunk. "The good news is that the galra empire has been weekened. Many planets have been freed because the galra's are gathering into the main ship."
"That's great! But what's the bad news?" asked Pidge.
"The bad news is that voltron isn't at it's fullest power." said Coran.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Your bounds with your lions are very strong but they can become stronger. Also, your bound as teammates isn't strong enough. As a team it surely is. But between each paladin, there's some conflicts you'll have to solve." explained Coran.
"How are we going to do that?" asked Shiro.
"We're going to split you in two teams which members will change. We'll send you on a planet, soon to be attacked by galra. You'll have to save it. After doing so, you'll spend the rest of the day together to talk and get to know each other better." clarified Allura. "We'll start tomorrow. Today you have to rest. Keith and Shiro will be in the same team tomorrow. Lance, Pidge and Hunk will form the other team."
"Which planet are we going to save?" asked Keith.
"Keith and Shiro you'll go to the planet Bytorea. The people who live here are very intelligent." said Allura showing us pictures. "Wait do I really have to go?" asked Shiro. He seemed scared. "Yes. But why are you asking?" we all looked at him waiting for an answer. "These are many Slav! I couldn't stand one Slav! You want me to stay on a whole planet surrounded by Slavs?"
He got a point...
"Anyway...Lance, Pidge and Hunk will go to earth." said Allura. "Earth!! Really?! We're going back to earth?!" I was so happy! "No...not the earth you's another planet also called earth."
I knew it was too beautiful to be true...
Allura showed us picture of that so called 'earth'. It was very similar to our earth. The only difference was that the water's red. Weird...


Short chapter. Next one will be longer. Hope you liked this one. Starting from next chapter, klance will start having real moments.

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