Chapter 7:

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Keith's pov.

Everyone was in the healing room waiting for Lance. Allura soon joined us "Everyone, we lended on a planet full of water. There's only a small part that's not water. Let's go outside and swim. We'll stay here for one week. Also, Lance will have to stay in the healing pod for at least three days." she said.
Everyone left, leaving Lance and I alone in the room. I have to wait for him. It's my fault if he almost got killed. I'm feeling so bad. I'm not able to go with the others to the beach. I really want to, but I can't. I feel guilty.
The first day have passed. Everybody went to sleep. I stayed here. My body felt tired. I wanted to sleep. I sat down against Lance's healing pod and tried to sleep. But I couldn't. Each time I closed my eyes, the image of Lance's hurt body comes into my mind.
I ended up falling into a forced sleep of two hours.
Early in the morning, Shiro walked there.
"You're still here Keith?"
"Did you even sleep?"
"Just a bit."
"If you want I'll watch Lance today. You can go and have fun with the others."
"Shiro...I feel guilty for what happened...Lance almost got killed because of me..."
"It isn't your fault!"
"Yes it is...I can't have fun...I'm not in the mood at all..."
"Fine...but later today you're going to your room and you'll sleep."
"Ok dad."
Shiro says he hates it when we call him dad. But he once told me he actually enjoys it.

At night, Shiro took my place in watching Lance. I couldn't sleep all night. My head was filled with thoughts of Lance. Is it even legal for someone to be this hot? Every day I fight the urge to ruffle his brown soft hair. I don't even know if it's soft, but damn it looked so smooth.
His eyes were a deep shade or blue, exactly like the ocean. I wanted to stare in his eyes forever, getting lost into them.
Let's not talk about his mouth...his lips. They looked so soft and so...kissable. When he's talking, I can't take my eyes off his lips. Sometimes I just want to wrap my arms around his neck while he puts his hands on my waist and bring our lips together while running my hand in his soft hair. I just want to make out with him all day and night. I want him to embrace me.
Not now gay thoughts!
I shouldn't be thinking about those things.

Three hours have passed and I couldn't find sleep. I walked back to the healing room.
" told me you were going to sleep."
"I slept for three hours."
"Don't lie. You didn't sleep at all."
"Listen Shiro...I can't sleep...I can't stop thinking of Lance..."
"That's cute Keith but you need to sleep."
"I'll sleep when I'm sleepy."
"Fine...then I'll leave you alone with Lance."

I looked over at Lance.
"Everybody is outside having fun, and because of me you're stuck here Lance...I'm sorry...I should've protected you..." I said out loud. He can't hear me...right? He's asleep so I don't think he heard me.

Lance's pov.

"Everybody is outside having fun, and because of me you're stuck here Lance...I'm sorry...I should've protected you..." said Keith. I might look as if I'm asleep but I can hear everything. Keith feels bad because of what happened? But it's not his fault! It's mine! I was too weak.
Suddenly, the healing process stopped. The healing pod opened. I was still too tired to stand so I fell. I closed my eyes, getting ready to hit the floor. Instead, warm arms caught me. Damn...this scent...
I looked up to see myself in Keith's arm. Our faces were inches apart. I felt the urge to kiss him. I leaned closer. He did the same. Our lips were about to touch.
"Nice catch Keith." said Shiro surprising us. Well...surprising Keith more than I because he let go of me, which made me fall face first on the ground.
"Oups...sorry Lance..." apologised Keith.

After miraculously getting away from that awkward and embarrassing moment, I decided to comfort Keith. I heard him blaming himself for what happened to me.
"Hey Mullet, thanks for helping me. If you weren't there, I would've surely died."
He looked at me as if he was repeating my words in his head to understand them. Then he muttered a "You're welcome..."

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