Chapter 4:

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Keith's pov.

To reinforce my bound with my lion, I decided to go in the middle of the night to talk to Red. I'll talk about everything. I walked to Red. Getting inside. I closed my eyes, trying to connect with my lion. When I heard a roar in my head, I knew Red was all ear for anything I had to say. I started "I want our bound to be stronger. I want to tell you my secrets. I don't want any secret between us. So here I go."
I took a deep breath and started "Everyone wants to beat Zarkon to go back to see their families...but I don't want to go to earth...I'll be alone...I never had a family...I remember dad, but only as an image. I have no memory of us together. I don't even know how mum looks like. And I don't recall having siblings."
I heard Red comforting me. I felt way better after taking this off my chest. "What do you want us to talk about?" I asked Red. This was going good so far....until... "Tell me about the blue paladin." said Red. I blushed a bit. "There's nothing to say...we're just rivals..." I lied.
"I thought you didn't want any secret between us?"
"Yes you're right...sorry Red...I'll tell you about him. I find Lance amazing. His eyes are so blue I just want to stare at them forever. His brown hair seems so soft. His tan skin is perfect. I love his personality. He's always cheering us up. Whenever I had a problem, he would help me. I don't really think of him as a friend...I might have feelings for him..." I said being totally sincere.
"What kind of feelings?" asked Red.
"It might be too early to say that...but I think it's love..." I said not notocing my face burning.
It was getting very late to I went to sleep.

Red's pov.

"Blue! I have some gossip!" I need my ship to become cannon. Therefore Blue has to talk to Lance.

Lance's pov.

Next day, I woke up like usual, brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, and put on my clothes ready to go to that mission. Allura told us that each group isn't going on a random planet. We have to bring from that planet some of it's red water. Apparently it can heal any kind of wound: physical or mental. Keith and Shiro will win the trust of the aliens so they'll help us if needed. They have an incredible intelligence.

Ready to go to the mission, each one got into their lions. On our way, Blue and I started talking. "Lance? Do you have any feeling toward the red paladin?"
"Wh-what? Keith?! No! No way! Why would I?! I mean he's just stupid. He has a stupid mullet that suits him stupidly well. He has stupid pretty purple eyes. He has that stupid little chuckle that make me blush stupidly every time. He's just stupidly gorgeous and handsome..."
"'ve got to be kidding me! Adding the word 'stupid' to your sentence doesn't hide the compliment. Also, we're connected. I can feel whatever you feel Lance. You're already deep in love with the red paladin." I blushed a bit. "I may be...I don't know...listen Blue...I won't deny having feelings for Keith...but I'm's the first time I'm actually in love...I always flirt with really loving someone is still weird for me...and I don't know if it's love or just a silly crush like all others..." I truthfully told Blue.

We soon arrived to that planet, only to find a galra ship heading toward it. Pidge told them "Don't worry! We are the paladins of Voltron! We're here to help!" That ship was a small ship, so there won't be a problem to beat them. I wonder how Keith is handling his mission.

Keith's pov.

Shiro and I arrived to the planet and got greeted by aliens. Shiro was like in a nightmare. I think he felt happy when he saw the galra ship... Anyway, we started fighting. It wasn't simple but we managed to do it. We couldn't go back to the castle until it was night. Meanwhile, Shiro and I talked about many things. "Keith, you need to stop arguing with Lance. You two argue a lot." said Shiro. "The past few days we've been arguing less and we've been acting very close." I stated. "Really? When did this happed?" he asked me. I blushed remembering all these times we hugged and acted sweet toward each other. "Keith are you ok? Do you have a fever? Your face is pretty red."

"'re like a brother to me...I want to tell you something...but swear you'll never tell anyone!"
"You can count on me Keith. What is it?"
"I'm in love with Lance..."
"You're what?! Really?! I'm happy for you Keith! Are you two dating now?"
"No! I didn't tell him yet. And I won't tell him until I'm sure he likes me too."
"It's your decision Keith and I'll respect it. Always know that I'm your number one supporter!"

Lance's pov.

We beat that galra ship and headed to get some red water. The aliens there looked like us. Except that their blood is blue...weird...
"This water can heal anything. If you cool this water, it heals the external pains. Heating it will heal the inside pains." one of them explained.
"Then what does it heal when it's lukewarm?" I asked.
"It helps people that are confused in love. Getting in a lukewarm bath can help the person who doesn't know if they're in love or not." he explained. Then he suggested "You can bath in them if you want."

"I'm gonna head to the cold one." said Hunk. "I'm joining you!" said Pidge. "And you Lance?" and me? I don't know...I'd love to join these two...but... "I'm going to go to the lukewarm bath..." they looked at me surprised. I needed some answers about my crush on Keith.
Apparently, there's like a spa for those things. Pidge and Hunk went to the cold pool, while I walked to the lukewarm pool. As soon as I got in I felt refreshed. It was like my mind was being cleaned from all it's informations, leaving only Keith. And that's when I noticed how huge my crush for him was. How couldn't I notice it begore?! I love him so much!! That's a huge crush I got here!! My face turned dark red. Pidge and Hunk walked in and saw me blushing like that. "Wow Lance...which alien is it this time?"
"It's nothing...let's just head to the cold pool together. I'm bored of staying here alone." I said, not being able to deny I was thinking about an alien, cause technically Keith is an alien.

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