Chapter 20:

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Lance's pov.

It has been one week since we lost Keith. During that week Hunk would always find me awake at night crying instead of sleeping. Most of the time, he would find me in my bed hugging one of Keith's jackets as crying my heart out. Even though Hunk would always help me to stop crying, as soon as he left the room I started crying again. After what we saw Lotor doing to Keith, I don't know if he'll ever be the same.

The day of the mission arrived. I was so nervous. We were going to save Keith. Or should I say, try to save Keith. We may not be able to save him after what Lotor did.

I don't think I already mentioned what he did so here I go:
He injected into Keith's body some kind of purple serums. Keith started screaming, probably from the pain. He started transforming into a galra. But not his normal galra transformation. Instead of his purple hair he had white hair. The purple tone on his skin looked paler. He became taller too. After he stopped screaming, Lotor ordered him to kill his father. Without any hesitation he did. He took his sword and cut off his father's head. Lotor changed Keith completely, and I doubt he's going to recognize us.

*Timeskip brought to you by my lazy ass*

Again, I was in the battlefield all alone. This time Keith won't be here to save me, so I have to be careful. I walked close to the corners, ready to shoot any galra soldier. I looked from all the directions to be sure I was safe. I didn't come across any was too calm...something bad is going to happen. And I guessed right.

While turning around another corner, someone tackled me to the ground. I shoot them to get away. I went a few steps back before looking at their face.

"Keith...?" I said tears forming in my eyes.
He didn't reply. He charged at me with his sword. Gladly I observed him long enought to know about all his moves. I didn't want to attack him so I kept defending myself.
"Aren't you going to attack?" he asked.
"Never! I could never attack you!" I replied.
"And why is that?" he asked.
"Because I care about you Keith! You might have forgoten me but I didn't! I remembered everything about us! You can't forget me! You promised you'd never forget me!" I half yelled, half cried. This isn't the Keith I know.

Keith started graving something with his sword on the floor. After he finished he looked at me. I read what he wrote. "Shoot me." I looked up at him and saw him pointing to his chest. I hesitated. I didn't want to shoot him. But what if it was a way to bring him back to normal. Suddenly he shouted in a hurt and shaking voice "Do it quickly!!"

I aimed at his chest, closed my eyes, took at deep breath, opened them again and...

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