Chapter 15:

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Keith's pov.

"And...who are you?"
Those words made me freeze. My body felt hot while sweating cold sweat. My legs were shaking. I managed to say "I'm Keith..."
He looked at me confused then said "Nice to meet you Keith. Now can you explain why we're in the middle of a battle?"
I wanted to cry. Lance doesn't remember anything. He doesn't even remember me.
Maybe putting him in a healing pod would help? I should contact Allura.

"Allura! We have a big problem here!"
"What is it Keith?"
"Lance doesn't remember anything! He doesn't even know why he's here!"
"Bring him to the castle now then hurry to help the others! We'll get his lion later."

I did as Allura told me. I brought
-more like dragged- Lance to my lion and left him with Allura and Coran. As much as it broke my heart to leave Lance, I went helping the others in fighting. It was hard without Voltron but we managed to do it.
I rushed to the castle. We had to wait for the blade of marmora, and I want to check on Lance before they arrive.

"Great work paladins. Also, Lance could remember some things but not everything." said Allura.
"What did he remember?" I asked.
"He remembered that he's a paladin of Voltron. He remembered what Voltron is and all the stuff about the galra. Coran is making him remember all of you now." She explained.

All of us went to the main room where Lance was sitting with Coran. When he saw us he said "Hey Hunk, Pidge, Shiro and..."
This broke my heart. He couldn't even remember my name!
"I know it! It's something that starts with T right?"
Anger started filling me, or was it sadness? I think Shiro noticed because he put a hand on my shoulder and whispered "Don't worry Keith. He'll remember you soon."

Lance was struggling to remember my name. "How about I just tell you my name so you don't have to think too much?" I suggested.
"No! I remember that you guys are very special to me. If I don't remember the name of one person I'd feel so bad..." he said.
Lance is so caring and kind. I love him so much. Pidge and Hunk were in awwwws because of my very dumb smile but full of love for Lance.
"Your name is...Oh yes! It's Keith! Right?"
I smiled even more stupidly while nodding.
Then Allura said "He only knows your names. Now we have to remind him who you all are. But not now. The blade of marmora are already waiting. Everyone go. Lance will stay here."
We all headed to the cemetery. They explained that on every grave there's a story that's written. We have to find the grave of a galra that didn't follow the rules.
We started searching. Everyone walked in groups of two or three. Without Lance I didn't feel like walking with anyone. I stopped by a grave different from the others. It had a story and two hand prints. The story was so similar to mum's's mum's story! This story is also compatible with what we were searching for! No way!
"The hand prints are the key." said someone behind me. I turned to see one of the masked galras. It was a feminine voice so I think it's a girl. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"Her son needs to put a hand on the right hand print and her daughter on the left hand print." She explained.
"How do you know that?" I asked once again.
"Because Keith I'm your sister and this is mum's grave." she said taking off her mask revealing her face.
I couldn't move nor think of anything. My mimd went blank. Everything was going so fast. First the diary, then the consequence of defeating Zarkon, also my mother is dead and is the only one that knows how to put an end to Zarkon, now I find out that a galra from the blade of marmora is my sister!
My body moved on it's own. Without thinking I hugged her tightly.
"I missed you Keith..." she said hugging back.
"I missed you too Skylar..."

Lance's pov.

"Oh yes! I remember when Hunk, Pidge and I ran away from the garisson, saved Shiro and found the blue lion. But I can't remember some how did we escape from the guards?" I asked Allura.
"Keith was there. You all escaped thanks to Keith." she said.
"Why can't I remember Keith...? What was he to me...? He seemed hurt when I didn't remember his name..."

Allura looked down clearly thinking of how to escape my question.

"Was he my brother? Cousin? Best friend? Boyfriend? Husband? I hope he was one of the last two because he's super hot! Also if he's not don't tell him I said that..."

She laughed then told me "He's your boyfriend."
"Really?! I'm such a lucky person..." I said thinking of Keith's face when I remembered his name. It was so cute!
"Don't tell him I told you. He has to think you remembered it. I'll tell you how you two started dating."
I was excited to see Keith again! I can't believe I have the right to kiss him, hug him, cuddle and act cute with him whenever I want!

Keith's pov.

We called the other galras and my teammates since we found the grave. Skylar and I put our hands on the hand prints. The grave started glowing. Then, something like a ghost appeared. It was mum. I tried not to cry when I saw her but I failed and started tearing up.
"Keith and Skylar...I'm glad you two are here together. And I know why you're here with all your friends. You want to know how to defeat Zarkon." she said. Everyone nodded.
"First of all, all of you galras know the consequence of defeating Zarkon, right? Even half galras like you Keith and Skylar."
Everybody agreed. So all of them knew? And even if they know they're fighting against Zarkon? I want to be like them. I won't be afraid of the consequence. I'll face it.
"Alright. First of all you have to defeat prince Lotor. He is the one that killed me. If we let him, he might become stronger than Zarkon himself. You'll have to form two teams. One of the teams will have to act as a distraction and the other team is the team attacking Lotor. After defeating him, Zarkon will be obliged to fight you. That's why most of the blade of marmora will fight the galra soldiers, ten of them will fight Haggar, then all of the paladins will form Voltron and fight Zarkon. This is the most simple and effective plan to defeat him."
Everybody listened carefully. When she finished Shiro asked "But are 10 galras enough to beat Haggar?"
"It won't matter after defeating Zarkon." she replied.
Shiro still seemed confused but I knew what she meant.
After some questions the blade of marmora and the other paladins left to their ship to leave Skylar and I with mum.
"I don't want to talk about Zarkon anymore. Please tell me about yourselves. I missed you two so much." said mum hugging us. Even if it was only a ghost I could feel her warmth.
"After the galra kidnapped me they 'brainwashed' me. But I could still remember everything. I made the galras think I'm on their side and I joined the blade of marmora. I infiltrate many ships and help prisoners to escape." said Skylar.
"That's great! I'm so proud of you! How about you Keith?" asked mum.
"On earth I was in the garisson but got kicked out for pointing a knife at annoying people all the time...but now I'm the red paladin of Voltron!"

"That's great too Keith! I'm very proud of you too! any of you dating anyone?" she asked her eyes glowing with excitement.
"Sorry mum I'm not with anyone. No time for that." said Skylar.
Mum seemed disappointed.
"Well...I'm dating someone..." I said lowering my voice.
"Who is it?! I'm sure it's a very hot girl!" She said excited.

"Well...the person's very hot...but it's a he not a she..." I said turning red.
Mum staid silent. Shit...what if she's homophobic...?

"That's even better Keith!! I'm so happy for you!! Where is he?! I wanna see him!!"
"Well...he kind of got hit on the head and doesn't remember anything..."
"It's ok I still want to see him! First tell me about him!"
"Well...he's tall, he has brown short hair, his skin is tanned, he has blue eyes, he's cuban, he's very handsome, and cute, and hot, and nice, and kind, and...everything! I love him so much! He's also the blue paladin."

Mum smirked "Did you two make purple yet?"
At first I didn't understand what she meant but when I did I blushed more than anytime "Mum!!!" I yelled playfully.
"Is it a yes?"
"Anyway call him I want to see him"
I walked to the castle to bring Lance. Mum is really acting worse than the fangirls that are reading this fanfiction.

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