Chapter 5:

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Keith's pov.

Shiro and I were back to the castle before the others. Allura told us we had to get a "bounding check"? What is that?
We were taken to a machine. It was like a big metallic box. We had to walk in it and wait. It made weird sounds. When the sounds stopped we got out. Allura didn't seem happy. "To be able to increse Voltron's strength, your bound should increase by 100%. Today, your bound has only increased by 2%. We can't continue with that rhythm. Your bound should've incresed by 10 % minimum today."
As she finished her sentence, Lance, Pidge and Hunk arrived. They also had to go in that machine. Allura told them the same thing she told us. Then, she scanned the lions with the machine. "Voltron's strength only increased by 1%. If you keep going at this pace, we'll never be able to defeat Zarkon! Tomorrow, Pidge and Lance will be the first team. Shiro, Hunk and Keith will form the other team."
Allura explained everything about each planet. While she was talking, I noticed Lance wasn't focusing. It's like he had something on his mind. I wonder what is it.

Next day, each team left to the assigned planet. I'll skip since nothing important happened. When we were back, we went into that machine. Our bound increased by 3%.
When Lance and Pidge were back, they were wearing weird clothes. Traditional clothes? Looking closely at Lance, I noticed how good these clothes suited him. Shirtless, I had a full view of his well built chest. He was wearing a long traditional white skirt. His arms were covered with silver bracelets. Pidge had almost the same, except that it was for girls. I couldn't take my eyes off him. This suited him perfectly well. As soon as they got out of the machine, Pidge said "It was amazing! We had so much fun! These people teached us their traditional dance!"
They started dancing a very weird traditional dance. Lance's hips moved amazingly! I couldn't take my eyes off them. How could he dance like this? It is totally impossible to be able to dance this way! It should be illegal!
Hunk soon joined them, trying to learn the dance. Coran and Allura were next. I found myself standing alone since Shiro also joined the dancers. Lance grabbed my hand "C'mon Keith! I'll teach you how to dance!" he said. I couldn't refuse. I started imitating his moves. I should admit I'm an awful dancer. I felt hands on my hips, which made me gasp. "Move your hips Keith! It's no fun if you don't!" said a smirking Lance. I blushed dark red and left to my room. Stupid Lance...

I love you...

This chapter was also short. Sorry. But next one will be great. Little hint: Keith cradling Lance in his arms (again)

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