Chapter 19:

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Lance's pov.

I sat there looking at Keith going with Lotor to protect me. Keith is doing that for me...he's sacrificing himself to save me. I won't let that sacrifice go in vain and I'll save him!
Shiro arrived with the reinforcement. We all left Lotor's ship and came back to the castle. Allura gathered us all to talk about how to bring Keith back.

"I already put tracking devices on your bayards, so finding Keith's location won't be a problem." said Pidge.

Everybody started talking but I couldn't focus. The only thing that was on my mind was Keith. What Lotor said seemed logical: I didn't remember anything until they put me in that "healing pod". What if these were false memories? But at the same time...Keith sacrificed himself to save me, saying that he couldn't lose another person he loved to Lotor. So he really loves me...

I'm scared. I'm so scared. What if we weren't able to save Keith? What if it was too late? I'd never forgive myself if something happened to Keith.

"Lance aren't you coming?" asked Hunk.
"What? Where?" I asked regaining focus.
"Pidge said she can show us what is happening with Keith through the tracking device on his bayard." Hunk explained.
"Yes I'm coming!"
I rushed there to see on a big screen, Keith sitting on the floor with Lottor in front of him.

Keith's pov.

I opened my eyes and found myself on the floor. Not tied nor chained, my bayard was right next to me. I could escape easily. When I tried getting up, I saw a blurry silhouette. It was getting closer to me. After a moment I realized it's Lotor.
"You're finally awake." he said.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"In the experiment room. We tried several experiments on you while you were asleep. I was right to take you instead of the blue paladin. Why? Because you're galra. You're like us. You'll fit perfectly here." he said with an evil smirk.
"What makes you think I'm going to join you?" I asked angrily.
"This!" he said pointing at an experiment table. I saw a person on it. It took me some seconds to realise it's actually dad!
"Let go of him now!" I yelled.
"You have two choices. Act like the rebel you are now and seeing your father getting killed, or being a nice boy and join us, making your father free."

My mind stopped working. What should I do? Seeing my father getting killed or joining Lotor. If I choose the first option I'm not sure if I'll be able to escape. If I choose the second option I could act as one of them, but stab them in the back while fighting my friends so I could escape with them. The second option is the best. Also, I don't want my father to get killed.
"I'll join you..." I said.
A smirk formed on his face. What happened next made me think it was a very bad idea.

Lance's pov.

Lotor dares doing that to Keith?! He's so awful! All of us understood why Keith chose to join him.
After that, Lotor asked Keith to get on the experiment table. Keith hesitated before doing so. I'm scared to keep watching but I have to...
Keith...please stay safe...

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