Chapter 9:

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Keith's pov.

I was so angry. Angry at myself for letting these words slip out of my mouth. Angry for falling on the wet floor. And angry at Lance for following me.
"Man you run fast..." he said between breaths.
"Make fun of me already and let's get done with this." I said on the verge of crying. Suddenly, I felt a pair of soft lips on mine, only to notice that Lance was kissing me on the lips. Did he really love me? Was it a prank? A dream? I wasn't sure of anything. But the only thing I was sure of is that it was my opportunity to finally kiss Lance. So I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands left my cheeks to find their place on my waist. I kissed him deeper every second our lips touched. It was the best feeling in the world.
After our make out session, we pulled apart for air, looking into each other's eyes.
"I love you too Keith..." he said with a soft smile.
"Then why were you flirting with these girls?" I asked.
"Because I was too nervous to be alone with you on that planet..."
"But you always flirt with aliens on missions."
"It's to hide how scared I am..."

I never noticed Lance actually flirted to hide his insecurities. I felt so bad.
"Keith...? Will you be my boyfriend...?" he asked clearly nervous.
"I'd love to..." I said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Right after, he took off his jacket and told me "Take off your clothes."
"Your clothes are wet. If you stay like this you'll catch a cold." he added to his previous sentence. Gladly he wasn't planning something else.
I took off my jacket and my shirt, then put on his jacket and closing it.
"Let's go to my lion. I have some spare clothes." I suggested. He held my hand and started walking. I'm not used to this yet. But I loved his touch. It felt warm.
When we arrived at my lion, I changed into plack pants and black shirt. I didn't have another jacket so I didn't wear any. I gave Lance his jacket back. "Are you sure you don't want to wear it? It suits you." he said making me blush.

Then, the worst thing happened. One of the girls walked to us. As gay as I am, I could say she's beautiful. Lance is bi. Will he leave me for her...?
"Lance! We've been searching for you everywhere! Come with me. I know a very romantic place!" she said.
"Oh yes let's go!" he said which made tears form into my eyes. How could I believe Lance really loved me? I'm so stupid.
"Keith come! I want to spend time with you in that romantic place!" said Lance.
My mood changed from very sad to very happy, which made me start crying. I burried my face into Lance's chest and cried. "Keith...? Are you ok...?" he asked. I whiped off my tears and kissed him quickly on the lips.
"Yes. Let's go now!"

3rd person pov.

At the end of the day, Keith and Lance had to go back to the castle. Shiro, Pidge and Hunk were already there, in the machine, checking how much their bound increased.
"20%! That's great! Keith and Lance your turn."
Both of them decided to keep their relationship a secret for now. They walked into the machine, and waited. After they got out, they saw Allura shocked. "Is it that bad...?" asked Lance. "Coran I think the machine is broken. It says that their bound increased from 0% to 85%!"
The two of them blushed. Coran checked the machine. "Nothing is wrong princess. Perhaps something happened between Lance and Keith.
Everyone was looking at them. Keith came up with a lie. "Lance started crying since he missed earth. I hugged him and comforted him." fortunately everyone believed it.

At dinner time, Allura made an announcement "I have a good news. Our coming mission is on earth!"
Everyone was happy. "But there's a bad news...a galra ship will be soon attacking earth. That's why we'll have to save it. The galra ship isn't very big. So it won't be hard to beat it. Then we can stay on earth for a month."
They all started talking about earth.
"Who do you have on earth?" asked Coran.
"I have my mother and my father." said Hunk.
"I have my parents and Matt." said Pidge.
"I have my mother and my brother." said Shiro.
Then the room fell silent. Lance was counting on his fingers how many family members he has. Eventually he ran out of fingers so he used Keith's.
"I have my mother, my father, my younger sister and brother. My older brother and sister. My grandparents. My uncles and aunties. Also my oldest brother got married. He has three kids." said Lance.
"What a big family. And what about you Keith?" asked Allura.
Keith looked down "I don't have a family..." he said.
"What do you mean?" asked Coran.
"I don't have family memories. All I can remember is my dad's face, but I don't remember being with him. I don't even know how mum looks like. And I don't think I have siblings." he explained, words escaping his mouth. He recieved hugs from everyone. Keith was happy to be with them, because that's his family.
"You're coming with me home Keith!" said Lance.
"Why?" asked Keith.
"You shouldn't stay alone. Also, I want my family to meet my boyfriend!" he said excitingly, not noticing the others were listening.
"Boyfriend?" they all asked at the same time.

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