Chapter 18:

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So sorry it took me so long to update. I broke my phone so meanwhile I'm using my old one. It's messed up and sometimes doesn't save. I'm really sorry if this chapter took me forever.

Keith's pov.

As much as I hated this, we started running. I had tears in my eyes. Lotor killed my sister. My only family was killed! I will never forgive Lotor for that. As running I heard someone screaming from the intercoms. "Help!!" and I recognized that voice too well. I stopped following Shiro and ran to where Lotor was previously. "Keith! Where are you going?!" asked Shiro.
"Helping Lance! Hurry and bring reinforcement!" I yelled.
"Keith It's too dangerous!! It might be a trap!!"
I ignored Shiro and ran there to see a horrible sigh. Lottor was standing very close to Lance and talking to him. What's worse is that Lance seemed to believe what Lotor was telling him. And I heard exactly Lotor's words.
"They think you're useless, that you're not the one to pilot the blue lion. As soon as they find someone else they'll replace you. If you come with me, you could be a big help to the galra empire. You're strong, you have shooting experience and many other things."
I couldn't stand this anymore.
"Lance!! Don't believe him! It's a trap!" I yelled.

"You think it's a trap? Or are you the one trapping him?" said Lotor.
"What do you mean...?" I asked.
"He suddenly lost his memory, they put him in a pod then he started 'remembering'. Doesn't that sounds like you implanted false memories into his mind?" said Lotor smirking when Lance turned to me with a horrified expression.
"The whole were lying to me...? All those happy memories...? The garrison with Pidge and we escaped with you and being my boyfriend...all of it was fake?! You tricked me?!" said Lance starting by a low shaking voice and ending with a shaking scream and tears.
"Lance! No! Don't believe him! He's the one tricking you! You've been there Lance from the start! We all love you...especially me..." I walked closer to him. He crawled to the floor as crying. I kneeled next to him and hugged him.
"Keith...I don't know what's true and what's not...but I want to believe you..."

Suddenly, Lance was snatched away from my arms. Lotor had him. "You're not escaping! You're coming with me!" he said.
"I already lost two people I love to you Lotor! I'm not losing a third peson!" I yelled.
"You want me to give back the blue papadin?"
I looked at him a bit aftaid of what he was going to say next.
"Then join me instead of him." he said.
I didn't hesitate one second. I walked toward Lotor.
"Keith don't do that!" yelled Lance.
"I'm sorry Lance, but I'm not losing you to him..."
Lotor threw Lance against a wall and grabbed my arm.
All I know is that Lotor brough me to an escaping pod with him, and before passing out I heard him saying "You all better retreat, I have the red papadin captive and you don't know what I might do to him."

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