Chapter 21:

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Lance's pov.

Keith was struggling to keep his place without escaping. When he got hit on his chest, a deafening scream could be heard. I directly felt regret.
"Keith!" I yelled running to him.
After a bit he got up and looked at me. " worked!" he said.
"What worked?" I asked.
"The only way to get me back to normal was to hit me on my chest." he said.
"But you're bleeding!" I said getting very worried.
"It's nothing. Let's go! I know where Lotor is and I have a plan to kill him!"

I knew how Keith is stubborn so I didn't try to stop him. Keith tried hiding the blood on his chest and chained my hands, putting his kife in his pocket. We both went to Lotor.
"I've got a prisoner." said Keith.
"What a great job Keith. You got the blue paladin. Exactly what we still needed." said Lotor getting closer to me, not paying attention to Keith anymore. He took his knife and stabbed Lotor. I helped him to attack him and killed him.
"We did it Lance!" said Keith with a huge smile on his face.
"Not yet. My mission isn't over before I bring you to a healing pod! Now!" I said picking up Keith and carrying him inside the castle.
After putting him in I told everyone that we killed Lotor and have Keith back. Later, everyone was in the castle.
"Soon is our last battle against Zarkon. We've got the perfect plan for that. And we'll start next week. So rest well for now." said Allura.

*timeskip of two hours*

I was in Keith's room while he was asleep in his bed. I started looking at everything in his room. I saw a framed picture of us. On the frame was written "The best boyfriend ever and I." Keith can be so cute sometimes. I love him so much.
"Lance..." I heard his sweet voice calling me.
"Yes?" I said turning to him and sitting on his bed.
He hugged me tighter than anytime ever.
"I'm sorry for attacking you earlier..." he said almost crying.
"It's ok Keith...I'm not mad at wasn't even your fault!"
"Please stay here tonight..."
"I won't ever leave you again..."
"Thank you Lance..."
"Anything for you my mullet..."

*another timeskip**also this is the most important part of the chapter cause it'll make you cry in another chapter*

In two days we will fight Zarkon. I went alone to a planet. That planet was the best in selling presents for couples. We saved them once so they told me I could take whatever I want to. I searched for hours without finding what I wanted exactly, until I saw it. It was there. It was perfect! Keith would surely love it! I can't wait to give it to him! I'll give it to him when we defeat Zarkon.
"Who are you going to give this for?" asked one of the people there.
"My boyfriend. He's the red paladin." I said.
"I'm sure he'll love it."
"I hope so!"

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