Chapter 12:

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Lance's pov.

Two hours before lunch, I decided to show Keith around. First, I took him to a sunflower field. Keith looked amazed like a small child in front of a new toy. "It is's the first time I see such a view..." he said. "First time?! Really?!"
"Yes. I lived in the desert and space most of my life."
"Then I have to show you that!" I said grabbing his arm and running to another field.
This one was full of all kind of colored flowers. "'s so beautiful..." he said with a soft smile. I picked a red flower and put it in his hair. "'s truly beautiful." I said looking at him.

Next, I took him to a river. There was nothing special about it if you look at it. "When I was small, I used to come here with my older sister and brother. Here all of us learned to swim. There's no waves here, unlike the sea so it was a better learning place." I told him. We both took off our shoes and put our feet in the water. "Lance...I'm so jealous of you..." said Keith surprising me. "Jealous? Of what?"
" have a big family, I have lived in such a beautiful place, I lived in a're tall, I'm short...your eyes are so blue and beautiful, mine are're just so perfect..."

I couldn't let Keith think that way.
"Keith now this is your family and your house. We're going to make great memories together here. Also, I love my short galra boyfriend with purple eyes. I think if you looked like a galra you'd look even better." I said laughing at the last part, then I leaned closer and kissed Keith. I love how he still acts clueless when I kiss him, but after five seconds he becomes a beast at kissing. We soon got interrupted by mum saying that lunch is ready.

Keith's pov.

When we sat down to eat, I was placed between Lance and his sister. Lunch was filled with inside jokes that I clearly didn't understand since I wasn't part of their family memories. I felt as if here wasn't my place. Lance seemed to have noticed so instead of saying the joke as it is, he told the whole story then said the joke. I laughed at most of the jokes since I understood them now.

After lunch, I asked Lance "Can we go to my house? Only for one or two hours. I only want to check something then we'll come back."
"Sure Keith! I'll tell mum and then we'll leave."
Two minutes later, we were in our lions, flying to the desert.
"So what did you want to check?" asked Lance.
"When I was at the blade of marmora with Shiro, I had a dream that my dad was home, and told me to wait for mum if I wanted to know why do I have a knife from the blade of marmora. In that dream I saw something in my house, but I need to check if it's real or not." I explained.

We arrived at my house. When I opened the door, I noticed what a mess was my house. I started searching around. "If you told me what you're searching for I could help you." said Lance.
"I can't really remember what exactly I'm searching for, but if I see it I'll remember."
Lance started searching with me and showing me whatever could be what I was searching for. After a while, Lance said "I thought you didn't have any memory of your family."
"I don't." I replied.
"Then what is this?" he said handing me a picture. I looked at it with widen eyes. This was in my house for so long and I never noticed?
On the picture, there was dad, mum, a little girl and I. Mum and that girl were galra.
"Your face looks a lot like your father's but your hair and eyes look more like your mother's." said Lance. I couldn't stop looking at mum and that girl. The girl looked like me but older, galra and girly. Is she my sister...?

I shoved the picture in my pocket. "Where did you find it Lance?" I asked him. He showed me a box. In it were many pictures of us. Most of the pictures didn't include mum. The pictures reminded me of many things.
"What happened to your hair?" asked Lance, pointing at a picture.
"My sister wanted scissors which turned out to be a bad idea..."
Lance kept asking me about most pictures.

"And this one?" he asked showing me a picture I had no memory about. I started thinking...thinking...thinking...
Then tears formed into my eyes.
"That night was the night everything changed...

Dad, my sister and I were sitting outside the house, stargazing.
"Dad? Where is mum? We don't see her anymore..."
The look on his face tried to hide the pain.
"Your mother is up here" he said pointing at the sky.

I thought she was dead but turns out she was a fucking alien.

We saw a shooting star. I wished to be able to go to space once since it was my dream. But the shooting star landed very close to our house. It wasn't a shooting star. It was an alien ship. Dad stood up fast and dragged us inside "Hide!" he told us before going outside. We heard yellings. "Where is your child?!"
"I don't have any!"
"Tell them to come now or we'll kill you!"
My sister dragged me to a box and put me in it.
"Don't get out now. Sleep and get out when you wake us. I love you Keith..."
She said closing the box. I still could hear them.
"Don't do anything to dad! I only have him! If you take him I'll be alone!" she said.
Soon enough I couldn't hear them anymore.

And that's when Shiro found me."
I told Lance the whole story. I cried remembering everything. He hugged me tightly, rubbing my back and trying to calm me down.
In the box with the pictures was a diary. I took the box and put it in my lion.
"Let's go Lance...your family must be waiting..." I said. He didn't let go of my hand nor did he go to his lion.
"What is it Lance?" I asked.
"I'll help you looking for your family..." he said in a determined tone.
"Thank you Lance..." I smiled at how caring Lance could be.

Back into my lion, I looked at the diary. I need to read it as soon as possible...

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