Chapter 23:

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3rd person pov.

Lance was devastated. Everybody was. But Lance was more. He didn't know what to do. Crying seemed to be the best option. Helped by the others, he got up and walked in the castle. They guided him to his room and left, thinking it was best for him. But it wasn't.
Lance's room is more filled with Keith than Keith's room itself. He had pictures of Keith, presents from Keith, some of Keith's clothes, Keith's scent was all over the room. No matter what Lance tried to do, he was always reminded of Keith.
Later that night, Lance couldn't stand it anymore. He got out of his room. He walked. Where? He didn't have a clue. He found himself in front of Keith's room. Tears started forming in his eyes again and he started crying. He ran as fast as he could in the whole castle. No matter where he was, he would get reminded of Keith. They spent nights in the common room. They had food fights in the kitchen. They made out in every dark corner of the castle. They walked together in the hallways. They fought alongside in the training deck. They waited for each other in the healing pod room. There was no escape.

As running, he bumped into someone and both of them fell on the floor. "Sorry..." he forcefully said, as if he didn't talk for days.
"It's ok..." said a small voice.
He looked at the person and saw Pidge. She had tears in her eyes. Lance understood why and was tearing up as well.
"Would you like to spend the night in my company? I'm not like Keith but I may be able to comfort you..." she said. Lance was about to say it was ok and that she wasn't obliged to do that, but then he noticed she also wanted comfort but was shy to ask for it that way.
"Sure" he said and they headed to his room.

Pidge is like his little sister. They have those sibling fights, but he feels the need to protect her, and she feels safe with him. Both of them layed next to each other and hugged tightly. They both cried silently but none could sleep.
Pidge was hurt. The others were probably hurt too. Each one had a reason to be hurt; Lance was his boyfriend, soon to be fiancé. Pidge was his space little sister. Hunk was his space buddy. Shiro was his space older brother. Allura and Coran felt like all the paladins were a new family for them.
Keith was important for everyone. And losing him was losing a big part of the team.

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