Chapter 6:

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Lance's pov.

Allura woke us up very early with that alarm that rang in the whole castle. I wanted to sleep more. Not because I'm tired, but because I was dreaming of Keith.
I dragged myself to the main room. Everyone was already there. "Today, there's no teams. We're all going to save a planet from a big galra ship. This mission is one of the most important missions. That's why everyone needs to stick to the plan. Hunk and I will rescue the prisoners. Pidge will hack into the system to give us access to any room. Shiro will have to fight the main fleet. Keith and Lance will hide and in case Shiro couldn't do it alone, Keith you'll help him. Lance will stay hidden until he's given the signal to shoot the enemy on it's weakest point."

That was a great plan. Then Allura added "This mission is one of the most important. Especially for you Pidge."
Pidge was confused. She then asked "Is that where Matt and dad are?!" when Allura agreed, Pidge seemed more happy then ever. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" she said excitingly. We were all happy for Pidge so we hurried to our lions.

3rd person pov.

Everyone got in place. Hunk and Allura started freeing the prisoners. Pidge was hacking into the system. Shiro started fighting while Lance and Keith were hiding, ready to help Shiro anytime. Keith soon had to join Shiro for the fight.
Lance got the signal to attack. He was about to shoot when he heard Pidge telling them "Pay attention! All your bayards will stop working! There's a virus in them!"
All of their bayards returned to their original state and stopped glowing. The galra they were fighting grabbed Lance by the neck after punching him several times. "I will keep the blue paladin! Leave, and I won't hurt him. But if you stay, the blue paladin may not survive!" said the galra. Keith couldn't let that happen. Shiro's arm was still working. And Keith has the knife of the blade of marmora. He transformed it into the bigger blade and attacked. Lance could barely breath. He managed to shout "Leave me here! You still can manage to escape! It will be better...I was always the seventh wheel anyway..."
Keith shouted back "I'm never letting you alone Lance! You're coming back with us!"
"I warned you!" shouted the galra, sending Lance flying into a wall. Some heavy rocks felt on him knocking him out.
"LANCE!!!" screamed Keith worried. He ran to Lance and pushed the rocks away. "Lance...I'm begging you...reply to me..." he said with tears in his eyes. No reply, but Lance was still breathing. "You're going to pay!" shouted Keith running to the galra, pointing the knife at his exact weak point. With that, they ran outside, getting to their lions, and destroying the ship from the outside.
They went back to the castle, bringing Lance into a healing pod. The castle landed on a planet. They would stay here for one week. Keith didn't leave Lance the whole time.

Pidge's pov.

I searched around all the prisoners to find Matt and dad. But nothing. I didn't find them. Didn't Allura say they brought all the prisoners? I sat down on the ground loosing all hope. I started remembering happy memories of whem we were small. I heard in my head Matt saying in a joyful tone "Katie!" I heard it multiple times, until I realised it wasn't in my head. It was real! I turned around to look, and saw Matt and dad. I rushed to hug them. "Katie! We missed you so much!!"
"I missed you too! I never stopped searching for you two! I finally found you!"
Shiro walked in the room. He was their teammate so I guess they know each other pretty well already. Shiro then said "Pidge is like a little sister to all of us. She helped us several times. Without her, we would've failed many missions. You should be proud of her."
Dad looked at me "I told you you're going to become part of something big one day."

The second day, dad and Matt were going back to earth "Tell mum I miss her." I said.
"Why don't you come with us Katie?" asked Matt.
"I can't leave my team. Earth might be in danger. Before defeating Zarkon, I won't come back to earth."
"We're proud of you Katie. Take care." they said then left.

Pidge deserves happiness so here's a Klance + Pidge x happiness chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

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