Chapter 13:

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Lance's pov.

As soon as Keith and I arrived, we got informed that the next day would be our annual family gathering. Usually it isn't at this time of the year, but since I'm here they decided to do it now.
I decided to help mum with food, while Keith read the diary he found.
"Why don't we invite Keith's parents to the family gathering?" suggested mum.
"Euh...well...I don't know how to explain that...they're maybe dead...? Or just taken away by aliens...even Keith doesn't really know where they are..." I tried explaining.
"Why would they be taken by aliens?" she asked, concern in her voice.
"Keith's mum is alien so maybe aliens thought it was wrong for an alien and a human to be together?" I said, more like asked. 
"His mother is an alien? So Keith is an alien too?"
"Half alien..."
I regret telling her all of this. What if she rejects Keith? Maybe she doesn't want me to be with an alien...
"That is so cute! You have an alien boyfriend!"

Keith's pov.

I sat outside the house, next to the sunflower field and read the diary. Seems like it was mum's...

To whoever find this diary, Skylar or Keith please read carefully. I am a member of the blade of marmora. I infiltrated the main ship of Zarkon and took down many smaller, but important ships.
I was assigned to lead the mission of taking down earth. Instead, I destroyed my ship and landed with my escaping pod in front of a house in the desert. It was your father's. At first, he wanted to report to the Garisson that an alien was there. But then, he helped me. Both of us became closer and we got two lovely childs. The first child was Skylar and the second one was Keith.
One day, the galra were planning another attack on earth, so I had to go. Soon, they found out what I did. I was taken to the galran prison. They took your father and Skylar, while Keith stayed on earth.
I might be dead at the moment you're reading this, but your father isn't. If Skylar is reading this, please find Keith. If Keith is reading it, please find Skylar.

I read the whole diary. In it was written many things concerning the galras. The last sentence was shocking.

Defeating Zarkon will lead to-

"Keith are you ok?" I closed the diary quickly to look at Lance.
"Yes I'm perfectly fine!" I said nervously.
"Are you sure? You're very pale..."

I told Lance about everything in the diary except last sentence. If I tell him about it, he'll stop fighting against Zarkon.
"So your father and sister are still alive?! That's great! I'll help you looking for them. And if your mother is still alive we'll look for her too!"
Lance can be so caring toward me. I love it.


The following day, everyone woke up in a hurry to finish the preparations for the family gathering. At 10 am people started arriving. They hugged Lance for like 10 minutes each one and Lance introduced me to each family member as the "most amazing and best boyfriend ever" which made my face turn into a tomato each time. Everyone talked about Lance and space, we ate, and when we finished everyone looked at Lance "Where's your guitar? Usually you sing right after lunch." said one of his uncles I think. "Sing? You can sing?" I asked totally surprised. He seemed a bit nervous but got up taking his guitar. He sat down, took a deep breath and started.

(That's how I imahine it happening Keith's reaction is so cute)

Lance started singing and WHY DIDN'T I NOTICE BEFORE THAT HE HAS SUCH A GOOD VOICE????!!!!
I was screaming inside. Also a bit dying. When he finished he looked at me. "How was it?" he asked.
"Amazing...just...beautiful!" I said not noticing the blush growing on my face.
When everyone got up, music started and everyone danced. Is there anything Lance can't do? His dancing is flawless! I tried to dance too without success.
The song I feared the most came up. At the slow music everyone paired up. Lance walked to me "Would you like to dance with me?" he asked. "I don't know how to dance..." I replied. "I can teach you!" he said not bothering to listen to my reply. He took my hand putting his other hand on my waist while I put a hand on his shoulder. I danced with him, sometimes stepping on his feet, sometimes falling, but he'd always catch me and help me. I kissed him multiple times as dancing as an apology for stepping on his foot. It was embarrassing, but Lance liked it so I kept doing.
The loud music came back. Lance dragged me to his room where we had a hot make out session. Lance and I started undressing each other. Lance was on top of me kissing my chest and leaving hickeys making me moan each time his lips touched my skin. The two of us got very excited, and suddenly we heard a knock on the door "Lance? Keith? Are you there? And why is the door locked?"
"Euh...y-yes we're here...Keith and I were a bit tired so we locked the door to rest..." Lance said lying.
Both of us put our clothes back on quickly and unlocked the door. I'm still excited and I want to continue what Lance and I started...but guess it's not for today...

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