Chapter 17:

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Keith's pov.

I trained day and night to be finally able to change into a galra. It was harder than what I expected. Skylar told me to focus more but I couldn't do more than that!

"I didn't want to use this technique but you leave me no other choice..." she said.
"What is that technique?" I asked fearing the answer.
"Close your eyes." I did so.
"Now think about everything I'm going to tell you. Imagine yourself on a mission with all your teammates. All of you get trapped in a room. All of them are in danger. The only way to save them is to change into your galra form to use the galra hand print and open the room. Now think about how you would transform to help them. If you don't, all of them will die and it'll be your fault."
She suddenly stopped talking. I opened my eyes to see what's wrong and saw a huge smile on her face.
"You did it Keith!"
I looked at myself only to see that I've changed into a galra. Wow! That's amazing! I never thought this would work!
Skylar kept training me until I was able to switch from human to galra in less than one second. That day was the day we would attack Lotor.
Distraction team is formed by most of the galra, Allura, Pidge and Hunk.
Attack team is formed by the rest of the galras, Shiro, Lance and I. Skylar was with us.

3rd person pov.

The distraction team was ready to go. Once they were near Lotor's ship, they started attacking, creating enough distraction for the attack team to infiltrate unnoticed.
In the ship, everyone was running, getting split in many groups to try to find Lotor. Keith, Shiro and Skylar were running toward a room.

"I've been waiting for you." said a voice from behind. They turned around only to find Lotor standing and ready to attack. He rushed to them in an unimaginable speed grabbing Skylar by the neck and getting a bit far from Keith and Shiro.

"I killed your mother who was a threat to the galra empire. And you have the guts to challenge me?" he said tightening his grip on her neck.

"Tell your team to retreat, or else it won't be only her, but also everyone on this ship will die!" he said tightening his grip even more until Skylar screamed a deafening screan and passed away.

Keith watched in horror the scene in front of him. He had tears in his eyes. Sadness and anger started filling him. He might've gone insane if Shiro didn't grab his hand and dragged him away from Lotor.
"Shiro let me go! I need to kill that monster!" yelled Keith.
"He's too powerful! We need reinforcement!"

I know this chapter is pretty short but I couldn't add the next idea now since it needs a chapter on it's own. Anyway I hope you like it so far. In the last few chapters there wasn't much Klance but just wait until next chapter. There's gonna be hardcore Klance *cough* angsty *cough*

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