Chapter 16:

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Keith's pov.

I brought Lance to mum. As soon as she saw him she smirked. Please don't say anything embarrassing...
"You have very good taste Keith. But is he really your boyfriend?" she asked. What is she planning to do?
"Yes I'm Keith's boyfriend! Nice to meet you!" replied Lance with a big smile on his face.
"Could you prove it?"
Ok...mum just wanted to see us kissing...she could've said so earlier!
I was about to ask Lance if it's ok with him since doesn't remember much, when I suddenly felt his lips on mine. I blushed from the surprise but kissed back. Something was wrong with this kiss...

"Mum and Keith I have to leave now. I'll see you Keith soon since our teams need to work together. And mum...I'll miss you a lot...but I'll try my best to defeat Zarkon...bye mum..." said Skylar before leaving.
Lance and I had to leave too. I said goodbye to mum and left.

Once in the castle we sat in the main room with everyone. They were all talking but I wasn't focusing. Something felt wrong.
Suddenly I got slapped on my cheek. "Hey! What was that for?!" I yelled at Pidge.
"We called your name hundred times and you didn't reply!" she said.
"Sorry...I wasn't focusing..." I apologized.
"What is the consequence of defeating Zarkon?" asked Shiro.
"Why are you asking me...?" I can't tell them about it!
"Because when your mother asked you agreed to that consequence. So I think you know it."
"I'm sorry I can't tell you." I tried staying calm.
"Keith we all agreed not to have any secrets between us. You have to tell us." Shiro really won't let it go. I need to come up with a lie.
"Sorry Shiro but that's a thing only galras have to know. Please understand me. I want to tell you but I can't. I'm not allowed to do that. But don't worry it's nothing dangerous." I lied.
"Fine..." he finally accepted.
After the discussion they had, all of us went to bed. Instead of going to my room, I followed Lance. I knocked on the door.
"Hey Keith!"
"Lance we need to talk..."

We sat on his bed. He looked at me with a worried expression.
"Is everything alright Keith...?"
"You don't remember me...right?"
"What are you talking about? Sure I remember you!"
"Please Lance don't lie to me..."

He sighed then looked at me.
"Is it that obvious...?"
"Yes kind of..."
"I'm sorry's just...I remembered everything and everyone except you...and in each memory I can't remember you...I really don't know why...please don't get mad at me..." he said with tears in his eyes.
I hugged him tightly.
"'s not your fault...I'm sure you'll remember me someday...and if you don't...then we can make new memories together..." I said whipping his tears away.
"Can you sleep next to me tonight...?" he asked shyly.
"Anything for you..." I said laying next to him on the bed. I hugged him and both of us fell asleep.

*one week timeskip*

We were told that some members of the blade of marmora will come to our castle to start the plan. I hope Skylar will come with them.
When they finally arrived, one of the masked galras hugged me. I guess it's Skylar.
The day passed while discussing the attack plans and all these stuff. While talking Skylar said "Keith and I can infiltrate in our galra form."
"Galra form? I don't have a galra form." I said.
"You didn't learn how to activate it?!"
"Come with me!" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me to an empty room.
"You need to know how to transform into a galra!"
"Why?" I asked.
"Because in galra form you have a better hearing and a better eyesight at night. And I bet Lance will find you very cute with galra fluffy ears."

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