Chapter 2:

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Keith's pov.

The following day, we created a plan with the blade of marmora to defeat Zarkon. We split up into groups to be able to get everything. Coran will go to a planet and build the teludav. Allura will go to the balmera to get a crystal. Lance, Shiro and Pidge will get Slav while Hunk and I get scaultrite lenses. We all gathered in front of the lions. I hugged Shiro. He's like a brother to me. I hope it ends up well for all of us. Pidge and Hunk shook each others hands as crying. I looked over at Lance, finding him staring at me. He smiled one of his bright smiles and gave me a handshake. I did the same. "Be careful Lance..." I said. "You too Keith."
Getting in the yellow lion with Hunk, I noticed Allura glaring at me. I guess she hates me.
On our way, Hunk kept complaining about getting the worst jobs. "Go to a galra accompanied planet to get my lion. Go to a galra accompanied balmera to get a crystal. Go in the belly of a beast with the only galra alien team member." he said. "I'm not an alien..." I replied. "'re kind of an alien. You're way more alien than me. You're at least some alien. I'm none alien." he said.
I told him we should concentrate on our job, but he kept asking questions, I wish I could reply.
After watching Coran's video we headed for that giant space worm. To make it short, Hunk and I got separated, I saved someone that turned out to be galra, we got attacked my some 'bacterias'? We got the lenses and head back to the lion.
"Hunk you really did great. Without you the mission would've been a failure." I said trying to be nice.
"Thanks galra Keith. You're alright. I think turning galra has made you a better human." he said.
"I DIDN'T JUST TURN GALRA!" I yelled. To be honest...I'm happy Hunk is making all these jokes about me being a galra. That means he isn't taking it too badly. Not badly at all. I looked over at him seeing him eyeing me. "Are you trying to see if my skin is purple?" I asked. "No..." he replied clearly lying. I wonder how are Lance, Pidge and Shiro handling their mission.

Lance's pov.

"Pidge is the hacker of our group, Shiro's our awsome leader." I said.
"Hunk is our mechanic, he's also a chief and just a pretty cool dude to hang out with."
"And Keith is always doing things like flying in the asteroid fields and black holes and cool stuff like that."
"He's also very cold but yesterday he showed me his soft side. I wish I could see that side more often."
"Don't tell him I said that!"
"Thanks...anyway and I thought I was the team sharpshooter...but I guess no one else thinks that...maybe I don't have a thing..."
"You don't have to agree with me so quickly! Maybe they wouldn't keep me on the team if I didn't contribue in someway, would they?"
"Maybe you're right...maybe I'm just a fifth wheel...seventh if you count Coran and Allura...that's a horrible wheel to be..."

Keith's pov.

I'm sure they're doing great.

Lance's pov.

To think of it...I never was able to understand anything in computers...I would make an awful leader...I'm not a mechanic...I can't cook either...I've never done anything amazing like Keith...I'm pretty sure that as soon as they find someone else, they'll kick me out of the team and make him pilot the blue lion...I feel so useless in that team...maybe I should talk to someone about how I feel...? But who...?

After a while, I meet up with Shiro and Slav. Also I found out the 'Slav' that was with me is actually an animal...
Going back to the blue lion, we found some galra soldiers waiting for us. After beating them, the main fleet came. He got Slav, and without Slav, we can't beat Zarkon.
"Wait! I got this!" I said aiming for the only weak spot on his robot arm. If I fail, all of us fail. "Come on..." I mumbled to myself. I took a deep breath...and shoot. It hit his robot arm on it's exact weak spot, and Slav was free. "Nice Lance! That's why we bring our sharpshooter!" said Shiro. "Yup." I said with a grin.

Soon enough, Allura contacted us to tell us that the robeast on the balmera is back. (I'll skip that part)

Back in the castle, everybody went to sleep. I walked in the main control room and sat down. I looked at the stars and the planets. I felt someone sitting down next to me. "Keith...? What are you doing here...?" I asked him. "Can't sleep. You?" he asked. "Thinking..." should I tell him about my insecurity?
"Hm...Keith...what do you think of all the rest of the team?" I asked. "Well...I consider all the team to be my family and-..." he started talking but then I cut him off "I meant as qualities. Sure I love them all but what do you think is each ones qualities?"
"Pidge is the hacker of the group. Shiro's an awsome leader. Hunk is our mechanic." he said not mentioning me. "What about me?" I asked him. He fell silent. "You don't have anything to say...I know I'm just a seventh wheel to our would be better if I left..." words slipped out of my mouth, while tears started forming in my eyes. "'re Lance." he said. "What...?"
"When everyone's mood is down, you're the one to cheer us up. You saved my ass more than one time. You're our team's sharpshooter! Without you, we would've failed many missions."
I hugged him tightly and started crying. Nobody ever said this to me. I'm still feeling insecure about my role in the team, but Keith's words were so touching. I think I fell asleep in his arms, cause next morning I found myself in my bed, hugging Keith's jacket. "It smells great..." I mumbled to myself bringing the jacket closer to my face.


These chapters are kind of similar to the serie itself (except for the extra KLance moments) but soon enough it'll be very different. Hope you liked that chapter

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