Chapter 22:

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First of all: I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. I'm still on my old phone and it's acting awfully. I already wrote the chapter but it deleted itself. There wasn't anything in the save history so I had to write it all again. I'm so sorry. So here's the chapter.

3rd person pov.

The plan to defeat Zarkon was settled and ready. The castle got new very powerful weapons that could neutralize Zarkon's ship in one blast. Ships that look like the lions were constructed. The plan was to attack Zarkon's ship with these ships. Once he captures them, the castle will send a blast and the real Voltron will attack. It was a risked plan but worth the try.
One day before they start the plan, Lance and Keith met in a room alone to talk.
"Please tomorrow be careful Lance...I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." said Keith as holding both of his hands.
"You too Keith. We both have to live through this." said Lance putting his forehead against Keith's.
They both looked into each others eyes for a long time. Lance kissed Keith deeply, fearing it would be their last. He was too scared to lose Keith.
On the other side, Keith kissed back even deeper knowing it was going to be their last kiss. He was afraid but couldn't stop anymore. He would've wished he could spend more time of his life with Lance. He wishes he could spend it all with Lance. But life was too harsh to let them enjoy it.
The two of them left and went to bed in Keith's room.

The next day, everything was ready. The paladins got into position. They were sitting on chairs with commands to command the fake lions. Everything was working greatly so far. Haggar caused them some problems but they could take care of it.
The fake lions were all destroyed. The paladins went to the real lions and formed Voltron. They attacked Zarkon. The battle was hard, but they managed to win. (sorry I'm awful in describing fights)
After defeating him, his whole ship got destroyed. It just exploded. The paladins went to a nearby planet and got out of their lions.

Lance's pov.

I can't believe it! We just defeated Zarkon! We'll be able to go back home!
"Great work paladins! I'm very proud of all of you!" said Allura, joining us with Coran.
"Yes-- Shiro? What's happening to your arm?" asked Pidge.
We all looked over to his arm and saw it disappearing.
"Maybe since we defeated Zarkon, everything galra will disappear too?" suggested Shiro.
"It's alright. We'll make you another robot arm way cooler than the previous one!" said Pidge.
"Wait a moment...if everything galra is disappearing then Keith will..." I said looking over at him. He was slowly fading away.
"Keith no!!"
"I'm sorry's the consequence of defeating Zarkon...everything galra will disappear..." said Keith.
"Please Keith no!!" I ran to him and hugged him tightly "Please tell me you're lying..."
"I'm sorry Lance...I also wished I could spend more time with you...but it's over..." he said.
I broke down in tears. Keith was crying too and still hugging me, but his touch became less and less noticeable.
"We still had so much to do together...I still didn't give you your present...!" I said.
"I'm very sorry Lance...but please promise me something..."
"What is it Keith...?"
"Promise me you'll never forget me...but that you'll move on...find someone other than me, marry them, get children...but never forget me..."
"Are you crazy?! I'll never find anyone other than you!! But I promise I'll never forget you..."
I reached for the present to give it to him. I had the box in my hand and opened it. I was about to tell him what I wanted to say, but it was too late. Keith had already disappeared. I fell on the floor crying, making the box fall from my hands, and making the ring fall out of it. Yes I got Keith a ring. A proposal ring. I planned to propose right after winning the battle, but now it was impossible...because Keith is gone...

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