Chapter 10:

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Mama Mclain's pov.

I had just finished cleaning the house, when I decided to enter Lance's room. I didn't enter it much, because it would always make me cry. I waited the day when no one was home to pay Lance's room a small visit.
He dreamt to go to space. I can't forget the day he got admitted into the Galaxy Garisson. He was so happy. His smile that day was the biggest smile I have ever seen.
He would call us every day, and tell us how his day was. He would tell us about his rivalry with that Keith. He would tell us about his progress. Suddenly one day, we received a call, not from Lance, but from the Garisson telling us that Lance went missing. We believe he's dead. Since that day, the house felt empty. We're a big family, but without Lance, it felt very different. I cried and cried until I ran out of tears, and got out of the room. I turned on the tv while cooking.
"The Galaxy Garisson confirm the presence of an alien ship in our solar system, which is heading toward earth. Samuel and Matt Holt affirm being on a similar ship, and that they do not come in peace." said the reporter on tv.

Lance's pov.

"You two are dating?! Since when?!" asked Pidge.
"Today...also sorry slipped out of my mouth..." I apologised.
"It's ok Lance don't worry. We would have to tell them one day or another." said Keith with the kind of smile that made me melt inside.
"We're all happy for you!" said Shiro with the approval of the others.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but we need to go to earth immediately if we want to destroy that galra ship before it gets too close." informed Coran.
We all got to our lions, ready to go. Allura wormholed to earth. I teared up a bit when I saw our planet, but got back to serious mode when I saw the galra ship approaching it.

3rd person pov.

Lance's mother was watching tv, scared of what was going to happen. The satellites were projecting the ship. When the castle of lions arrived close, she got even more scared. Two alien ships attacking earth?! It was horrible!! But when she saw the lions attacking the ship, she gained hope again.

Everyone was fighting harder than possible. They had done major damages to the ship. The galran were about to fire the ion cannon. "Form Voltron!" yelled Shiro. The castle of lions was ready to be a shield, in case Voltron was late to destroy the cannon. Allura and Coran know how it feels to lose their planet. So they wanted to do everything to help the Paladins. They destroyed the ion cannon and proceeded to destroy the whole ship. "Good work Paladins!"

Everything that happened was filmed, and as soon as the castle followed by the lions landed close to the garisson cameras were already there. Allura and Coran got out first to introduce themselves, and the Paladins.
"I am Princess Allura from Altea. We come from a peaceful planet (she starts explaining everything but I'm lazy to write everything she said) And all of the Paladins are from earth."

At these words, Lance's mother had a small light of hope concerning her son. Allura carried on talking "The leader of the Paladins, the black Paladin is Shiro." she said when he got out. Iverson was there and wasn't surprised to see Shiro since he's very strong. "The red Paladin is Keith. The yellow Paladin is Hunk. The green Paladin is Pidge. And the blue Paladin is Lance." said Allura as each one got out of their lions. Unfortunately, the tv stopped working when they were revealing the blue Paladin. Lance's mother thought it wasn't important and turned off the tv.

Iverson ordered soldiers from the Garisson to bring Lance, Pidge and Hunk far from their lions. "What are you doing?!" they asked angrily. "You three couldn't even ride the simulator! How do you expect yourselves riding such important weapon?!" yelled Iverson.
"Blue show 'em who's the best pilot ever!" yelled Lance. Blue roared in a deafening way, which made the soldiers let them go. "Blue and I are very happy together and she thinks I'm an excellent pilot so back off!" he said.

After hours of talking, it was midnight and all the Paladins went home. All the families watched tv, and knew they were coming. Hunk's parents prepared a huge dinner full of food! Like real food! Not some green goo that tasted like nothing.
Pidge's family stayed awake all night and talked about how proud they were of their daughter. Shiro's mother and brother cried from happiness since they thought he died during the Kerberos mission. Lance and Keith arrived at Lance's house. His parents were asleep, and didn't know Lance was back since the tv stopped working. Lance took a deep breath. He looked at the door still hesitant. He glanced at Keith only to see him smiling. "Go ahead..." he said warming Lance's heart, and finally giving him the courage to knock on the door.

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