Chapter 24:

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3rd person pov.

Next morning, Lance walked in the common room with Pidge. Everybody was already waiting there.
"We're going to arrive to earth in two hours. We can't wormhole directly to earth because the castle is pretty much damaged." Said Allura clearly not wanting to actually say anything.
Then, everybody sat at the table. Nobody ate anything. Not even Hunk. Lance got off the table first and left to his favourite room in the castle.
In that room, there was a huge screen that displayed happy moments in the head of the person in the room. On the screen, Lance could see himself and Keith laughing, smiling, playing, training, sleeping, having fun. Both of them were so happy together. A video started playing:
"Yes Keith?"
"When all of this is you think we can get married...? Adopt children...? Become a happy family...?" Asked Keith a bit shy from his question.
"Keith if all of this happens, I'll be the happiest person alive. All I ever want is that the two of us have a family together." Said Lance.

He couldn't stop thinking about those words they said to each other. Lance cried more and more until he ran out of tears. He got out of that room, only to be greeted by the view of earth. He really missed it. He wanted to run into his mother's arms for comfort because as much as he loved Keith, his mother was still the best at comforting him.

(I am so close to start crying I'm feeling the tears in my eyes T_T)

As soon as the ship landed on earth, each paladin went home in their lions. When Lance arrived, he saw his mother and the whole family already waiting for him. He ran to them. His little brother hugged him first. "Big brother Lance! You're here again!" He said smiling.
"Yes. And this time I'm back forever!" Said Lance showing a fake smile to the kid.
"That's great! But where is Keith? You said he'd come with you." Said his mother.
Lance tried staying strong at least for now, but tears escaped his eyes before he could try to stop them. He cried hard and hugged his mother tightly. She directly understood the reason. "I'm so sorry for you my baby...don't worry Lance...mama's here to comfort you..." she said crying a bit as well. She liked Keith a lot too. She was so happy for her son when she heard he had a boyfriend as amazing as Keith. Knowing Keith died made her heart break.
Everybody ended up joining in the hug. Later that day, when Lance calmed down a bit, they made Keith a gravestone, and put it in the most beautiful part of the red flower field. Lance put a blue flower on the grave, and with tears in the eyes he said
"Rest in peace Keith..."
He put the engagement ring in front of the grave and left...


I am maybe acting a bit too emotional because I had such a bad day, but this chapter made me cry so much especially at the last part. Poor Lance?? Why am I doing this to him?? I'm such a monster. Lance deserves the world. Please readers forgive me for my sins

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